
How to get up in time for school?

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I usually sleep at 9:30 on school days and wake up at 6:50-7:00. Over this summer I sleep at 11:45-12:15 and wake up at 11:00. How can I be able to sleep around 9 and wake up early in time for school without the help of any medication.

P.S. school starts in 5 days!




  1. 9:30.dang that is early.

    on most day i go to bed at 12 at the earliest.

    and during summer i usually went to bed at 3-7 am.

    you probably wont be able to get your sleep schedule on track in just 5 for the first 2 weeks you mite need to be sleep deprived.luckly most schools dont start school truely until about then.

    but just try to get to bed earlier.even if its just 5 or 10 minutes at first and slowly you will work your way back to your old sleeping pattern.

  2. You can sleep 11:45-12:15 and still wake up early.... 7-8 hours of sleep is healthy.  

  3. Start sleeping earlier from now on. And also, wake up earlier the next day so that you can get used to it form now.

    Good luck! I have trouble waking up in the morning too because I sleep late... =D

  4. You better start your school sleep schedule now so your body will be used to it before school starts.  You're too young to take a sleep-aid.  once you start school you'll be so tired you won't have trouble going to sleep.  Waking up may be the problem still.  Place your alarm clock across your room so you have to get up to turn it off.  AND DON"T CRAWL BACK INTO BED!!!

  5. Start going to bed 1/2 hour earlier every night until you are at the time you want to go to bed at, and every day wake up at the time you want to wake up at for school. If you can't sleep at night because you aren't tired, try exercising to tire yourself out some during the day.

    Also--my problem is not that I don't sleep enough, but that I turn my alarm off because I don't like to wake up and then I oversleep. My solution to that is I moved my alarm clock across the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once I'm out of bed, I don't usually want to get back in, so maybe this will help you, too?

    Good luck!

  6. sleep very very early the day before school and beg your parents to be your live alarm clock. That way, they will keep on annoying you until you actually wake up and you wont be tired.

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