
How to get visa in London to travel to Denver?

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How to get visa in London to travel to Denver?




  1. If you have a UK passport you can travel on the Visa Waiver scheme.  This means that on the plane (not before) you will be given a form to fill in.  You present that with your passport at immigration at Denver airport,  They will ask you questions.  Part of the form will be stapled or left loose inside your passport. Hang on to this little scrap of paper for dear life until you leave the US again, if you lose it you are in deep trouble  You have to hand it in when you check in or they won't let you on the plane.

    It's easy enough, Denver is lovely, enjoy!

  2. You do not need a visa if you are a UK citizen.  Your passport is enough.  On the plane they will give you a piece of paper that you need to fill out with where you are staying and other such information.  Take that and your passport to customs and you're done.  Just be sure to give straight honest answers and you shouldn't have any problems.

  3. You need to check whether they still do  the VISA waver before you travel.

  4. If you are a British citizen you don't need a visa.  Certain countries, England being one only need to show that they have a return ticket back home and hopefully aren't on the terrorist watch list by mistake.

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