
How to get vivid dreams?

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How to get vivid dreams?




  1. M e d i t a t i o n

  2. well unless you want to go on medicine there is no way.  I am on lexapro which makes my dreams really vivid any ssri meaning anything that helps depression or  anxiety tends to do that.

  3. If you're trying to dream about something specific it helps to play a scenarion in your head as you go to sleep.  Also you may already have vivid dreams, you just don't remember them when you wake up.

  4. Ever hear of salvia? Its legal in Canada and provides great hullicanigenic

    effects.  People who have consumed it say it was like traveling to the edge of the universe.

  5. Sleep?

  6. think of something and visualize it like super close and in detail and then most likely you'll dream about it

  7. seriously ....... smoke some weed . im not kidding .. i have intensely VIVID dreams if i smoke some pot about 3-4 hours before going to bed .. cause sometimes im still the tinest bit high as im falling asleep. sometimes they are TOO intense and i dont like it. but honestly . . . it works.  

  8. You have to have imagination!

  9. 1. Eat pizza before you go to bed

    2. Before you fall asleep, repeat: There's no place home. Tap your slippers together 3 times.

    3. Stand on bed and do Indian Pow WOW dream dance. Yayayaya!

    4. If theres a severe storm, sleep in open area or tent

    5. Talk to yourself throughout the day telling yourself what you want to dream.

    6. Buy a crystal ball and ask what your dreams are.

    -If none of these work, go and see your Chiropractor or a Psychatrist.

  10. Well, i'm no professional here, but what helps me have vivd dreams is to think about your whole day before you go to bed with your eyes closed. When you finally decide to go to bed, out a picture of flowers into your mind. Youll fall asleep within 10 minutes or less and have pretty vivid dreams!

    Hope that helped, it works for me.

  11. If you are wanting to dream about something specific, go over it in you head several times before falling asleep.

    If you are just trying to start remembering dreams, keep a pad and pen next to your bed and as soon as you wake up write down ANYTHING that you remember from your dreams.  It could be a color, person, animal, or even just how you are feeling after waking up.

    Eventually you should start remembering more when you wake up and your dreams will seem more vivid.

    Practice makes perfect.

    Good luck.

  12. What you can can affect your dreams.  Try eating corn, it enhances your dreams.  Also eating cookies or candy before bed can enhance dreams as well, but you have more of a chance of having bad dreams.

  13. i heard that eating sugary foods or drinking pop before you go to sleep does that, so try that and see what happens, or take naps because you remember more of your dreams than a whole night of sleep would allow you to, good luck haha  

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