
How to get water out my system faster?

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I drink lots of water a day.I drink orange juice in the mornin wit my breakfast in the mornin and orange soda at night but i usually drink water thru the day.most of the time i drink too much and I be full and my stomach starts to hurt.I guess my stomach cant hold much water since Im slim (5'8,150)

The hot weather also makes me even more thirsty.

Is there anyway or anything I can do to get these fluids out my system?I do urinate but not quick takes a few hours.Also,does soda and orange juice take longer to get out your system then water?




  1. I love watermellon and the side effect is you wet yourself like niagra falls. I at a watermellon in three days ,med one.

  2. Sweat

  3. you have fluid overload!! there is nothing to get rid of fluid fast unless you take diuretics.  Soda and juice will leave your system in the same amount of time.

  4. if you are drinking fruit juices which contain sugar, albeit natural sugars, they will add to your thirst factor. Maybe you should avoid those and limit your intake to water with a slice of lemon, or I find cold ginger tea great and it also quenches the thirst craving. you might also examine your salt intake as this might well be an element behind your insatiable thirst, it may be in food that you are not aware of. good luck.

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