
How to get your Blog noticed?

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I have heard and still hear constantly where people blog about different subjects... they are getting their feellings, their words out. I have tried now for nearly one year and a half and have never gotten any of my blogs out to anyone. I am missing something but do not know the ROAD to take to get my blog started so I can get my words out and so individuals can critique my words, add to them, etc etc. Is there ANY way to do this?




  1. Hey, I just started a blog 2 days ago and I know what you mean. The way to get the word of your blog out is to go on sites that talk about the same thing, go on to forums about the topic, go on to news articles (if ther are any) about your topic, etc. Leave other bloggers short comments with your link, connect with people on Facebook. It really helps

    My blog, for example:

    It's all political, and I've been leaving comments and links around political news pages and candidate webpages, and yesterday I got 24 visitors. Today it's already 17, so it's working. Try getting the word out that way. But make sure your blog is all neat and ready to go, you don't want people visiting it while it's still being built.

  2. try and cross post your articles to other popular blogs.  of the same subject.  

    I find other blogs from blogs I currently read.

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