
How to get your baby an healthy way..?

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hey i know this might be a wierd question but how do you get your baby to be chubby? The reason why I ask is becuase my daughter totally has her dad side genes.. And they are pettite and when I say pettite is there family are small and about maybe under 5 feet her dad is 5 feet. and after I gave birth i gained a little weight.. so as for my daughther she still pettite and she is turning 1 next month, I hate when people say do you feed her how come she so little or blah blah. i get pissed off. duh I feed her..She has three to four meals a day following with a bottle of milk.. and healthy snacks between the time. theres time when she refuses to eat anything and just wants her milk all day only, the next day she seems look a lil skinnier.. and i dont like it too much. I give her vitamin drops, Any advice on what to cook for her maybe she would love to have everyday, something yummy and healthy at the same time? again she is only 11 months..Any advice would be great..





  1. I think you should just ignore other people's comments. I know how you feel though, my sister-in-law goes through the same thing. She's actually kind of heavy-set and her 2 year old daughter is rail thin. People constantly ask her if she has a medical condition or if she gets enough to eat. As long as you know you're feeding her the proper amount, then don't worry. If it's in her genes to be petite and thin, then there's not much you can do about it.

  2. Don't worry if your child isn't "chubby".  My niece has been skinny as a rail for all of her six years, and boy that kid can eat!  She eats, and eats, and eats... and God just made her to be a skinny girl.

    Honestly, with so many overweight children in this country now, I would feel blessed to not have to worry about my child becoming unhealthily overweight.  

    Give her fullfat, Vitamin D milk, and honestly, she's old enough to start using a cup.

  3. my partner was always little looked underfed up until he was 20. his children are the same. all look so underfed but are healthy. just try to ignore what everyone says. at her next appoinment at the dr's ask what percentile she is for her age if he/she thinks she is at an ok size then dont worry

  4. She sounds like she is eating well and is healthy so don't start overfeeding her just so she gains weight.  She is meant to be petite and nothing wrong with that.    It would be worse to force feed her just so people stop commenting on her size.

  5. as long as she is healthy and growing well, you shouldn't worry. you could bring it up at the 12 month well visit and see what her dr says.

  6. You can't "get" them to be chubby..they are or they aren't....petite kids are lovely! YOu sound like you feed her ell thats all you can do.

  7. i dont think theres any point trying some babies are like this my first was always skinny even though he ate alot and hes still the same, my second was chubby and now at 4 is skinny and my third is a year old he was chubby up till lately he seems to be walking it all off. just be grateful she healthy and has no health problems and ignore what other people love her as she is

  8. Just be happy that she was blessed with a great gene.

  9. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE, what others say. See my daughter was small baby and really slender toddler, she is tall but slender, and I always get comments aswell. But see a a baby and toddler's stomach is only as big as their fist, so it does not take much to fill it up, there for if you know you feed your child at least that amount, you have nothing to worry about. See there are people out there who are unknowing over feeding their kids which stretches their stomachs out which can lead to obesity in a young age, which you do not want either. If she checks out ok on the doctor's scale then you should be fine. My doctor told  me at my daughters last visit that she was around the 45% scale for her weight which he was glad to see because he says when they are over %50 they have a higher chance to obesity later on in life. So again just ignore what others say, and to put them in their place you just tell them that your child is feed and blessed with a fast metabolism which will come in handy later on in life. Your a good mom and don't let others make you feel otherwise.

  10. When she wants only milk give her only milk. Try yogurt as well and maybe she could try soft bread and butter, no crusts though they could hurt her gums if she is teething. If she still looks a bit skinny try visiting a doctor, I know that she isn't ill but the doctor will give you tips o how to help her gain weight.

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