
How to get your body not to feel as much pain?

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any tips on how to not feel as much pain?

I want to learn how to get the body not to feel as much pain

any suggestions?




  1. Become a monk. They have all sorts of weird body control. But, beware, you'll have to carry heavy buckets on your shoulders up hundreds of stairs...

  2. You need to be more specific here. Where is your pain? Was it caused by an injury? Maybe it's even emotional pain. See we don't have a clue how to answer such a general question about pain.

  3. I just kind of ignore pain. lol.

  4. pain is a state of mind; just dont think about it

  5. pain lets you know if you keep doind what your doing you will be injured

  6. endure all the pains and sooner or later you will be immune or dead.even emotinal pain can cause you to go crazy and die if you do not endure it

  7. I was in the hospital for close to two years on and off for a number of very serious diseases and I was in a lot of pain I did not like to take meds because they made me feel worse even though they made it so I couldn't feel the pain I couldn't think or feel anything else either so my mom took me to a pain management clinic twice a week at the hospital they taught me to visualize a different place to put my mind there a place that had no pain then when I was in that place I was safe from the pain of my physical world I could think I was free from needles and poking and constant medications and nurses that woke me in the middle of the night to check on me I couldn't always get to that other place but when I could it was worth it this is the only way I know how to control pain you just don't think about it and you build your safe haven in your mind you think about what you want and what you wish you see it in your mind you here it smell it feel it and you are able to for a little while at least block the pain.pain is not just a state of mind it is your body's way of telling you something is very wrong if you are in a lot of pain and haven't already done so I suggest calling your doctor.

  8. train it by inducing pain or just deal with it

  9. I don't think that's possible girl, sorry.

  10. that doesnt really make alot of sense, but uh..

    milk builds strong bones!?

  11. I have fibromyalgia & see a family doctor, a pain specialist, a therapist, a psychotherapist, a rheumatologist, & a neurologist. They're all working together to get me to be as pain free as is possible in my condition.  I'm also prescribed several medications that help to alleviate it somewhat.  Other things that help me personally are ice packs, heat packs, a home traction kit (for my neck), & a TENS unit.  Also, it's very important to make sure you're getting enough sleep - your body needs rest to heal itself naturally & keep up w/ your excercise to help your body stay as strong as possible.  I recently had 2 sessions of 3 epidural steroid shots each (over a period of several months) & those have helped also.

  12. hydrocodone

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