
How to get your high school diploma at home??

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I live in Wisconsin, I am 20 years old. And I never got my high school diploma. I really don't have time to go to an acutal school. I am a stay at home mom during the day and I work at night. How could i get an actual diploma at home? any websites??




  1. I dropped out of High School and tried to get the "Home School diploma" and its not worth the trouble. ... heres the thing. Some colleges will take let you in based on your ACT and SAT scores, if you tell them you were home schooled. But, some won’t being that its not accredited and the Military will NOT take home school. What I ended up having to do is go through a school called Gateway Prepatory Academy and basically, they give you the classes you need to finish on a disk and you do the work and email it in and then you take the test online and they mail you an accredited diploma. Basically, you’re buying the diploma. It’s not that bad, you can work at your own pace and being that you have kids, that would probably work well for you. Good Luck and I hope I helped.

  2. I used to teach at an Adult Ed center (which many offer grants for low income people) that concentrate on helping adults obtain a high school diploma that haven't received one yet, many also have child care centers on-campus.  Another alternative if you want to stay home is to get a recent G.E.D. book (either from your local library or a bookstore), and study up at home.  If you study, time yourself, and feel prepared enough you can schedule an appointment with your local college to take the G.E.D test (which is equivalent to a high school diploma).  I have taken the test and it wasn’t too difficult.  It was more stressful and I worried more over it than needed.  What ever you choose I wish you the best of luck : )

  3. I am 14 years old and almost finished my whole high school program being homeschooled. The website I use is, it is cheap only $39.00 a month. You will not be disappointed.

    I hope this helped!

  4. I know this isn't quite what you're looking for, but in case you don't know this, i thought I should let you know.

    You don't need a real, authentic, certified diploma.  If you homeschool yourself and adequately teach yourself everything you need to learn to graduate from high school, then you HAVE graduated.  Once you've finished all your high school studies, it's perfectly legal to list yourself as a high school graduate on job applications and such, as long as you list your high school as "homeschooled."  I was homeschooled for high school, and although I did get a diploma, it's more for looks and doesn't have to do with any actual accredation.  However, since I have completed my studies, I am still legally a high school graduate.

    Hope that helps!

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