
How to get your permit without taking the Drivers Ed class?

by  |  earlier

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SInce i cant afford the drivers ed class to get my permit,

is it possible for me to just study the book and take the test because Im only 15 and i cant take the test for my lisence?




  1. Your to young to be driving. You should be able to take a driving class in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade. You'll get a learner's permit then.

  2. It depends where you go

  3. In the state I live in at 15 you can just go to the DMV and take the permit test.... But in may vary state to state... So my suggestion is go to your states DMV website and see if they give the test...

  4. Haha nope, I'm almost posotive, if you can't afford your permit, how will you get a car?

  5. it would be really hard not to take the class, were i live you have to.

  6. the only way you can get your license w/o taking the driver's ed course is to wait until you're either 18 or 19 (depends on the state in which you live)


  7. I don't know what state your in, but in New York all your required to do is take a written test.

  8. hahahahahahahaha wtf.

  9. If you cant afford a permit then how in h**l are you going to afford a car and insurance. Ha Ha

  10. lol

  11. I don't know where you live, but in Alabama, you don't have to take drivers ed to get your permit. Here we just have to wait untill we are 15, then take a written test to get the permit. Drivers ed just gets us a discount on our insurance.

  12. you have to wait til you are 15 and a half

    and that is the only way.. my best friend has looked into it also

  13. You need to take a class of sometype.  Look through the classes your school offers; most schools offer a Drivers Ed class.  Hope it helps!

  14. nope only way to get permit when ur 15 is drivers ed class...unless u want to wait till ur 16/17

  15. to get your permit you have to pay no matter what but if you cant afford it there are special programs where you get it at a discount. and in the state i live in you have to be 16 but i dont know where you live so mabey you should just wait a bit

  16. you dont need to take drivers ed to get a permit. people really only take it to get a discount on their insurance, but i dont think they do that anymore. they dont for my insurance. just go to the dmv and take the permit test.

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