
How to get your wife to be more romantic in general?

by Guest55890  |  earlier

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Like hugging and kissing or romantic jestures in public or in general married 2 years and she just starting to hold my hand when walking through a store.... she used to do this before we got married just wondering if theres anything i can do to get her wanting to do this agian...i need this from her because it makes me feel really good and secure if that makes any sense... i do romantic things all the time for her just want her to do the same for me..




  1. Sometimes when a couple has been married for a while they kind of forget to just be together as a couple.  I have been married to the same man for  31 years.  We have made a policy to always treat each other as if we just got together.  Things like saying please and thank you like you would with a friend or acquaintance.  We talked about it in the beginning of our marriage.  You may have to set your mate down and talk to her too.  It is about never taking your mate for granted but seeing them as the whole person that they are. We hold hands, touch each others shoulders or back when out in public and in private as well.  We always say "I love you" before we leave each other to begin our day or when we part for a while.  Say it everyday even when you are really pi$$ed at your mate.  Greet each other with a hug and a kiss.  Things like that.  Show affection... and let them know that they need to as well.  It all contributes to the health of the marriage over all and for the long run.  It is the little things that count up and strengthen.

  2. You get a wife who does these things.

  3. tell her.. or can can just keep waiting and hoping that your romantic behavior will rub off on her

  4. Take her hand and walk her to the diamond section of a nice store; let her pick out something and I bet you will get all of the things you've mentioned. ;-)

  5. why instead of waiting for her to do this things for you why you don't do it to her. for example take her hand! kiss her while ya outside! tell her something sweet and you will see that she will do the same thing to you! good luck sweetie!



  6. It does make a lot of sense.  I never had that but wish I did now divorced I am sure it will be a long time before I ever get it if at all.  She has no idea what she is missing.  Sorry!

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