
How to get your wife to cuckold you.?

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I'm not 100% of correct terms. But it's been a fantasy of mine, except I do not know how to approach her with the subject.




  1. A cuckold is a man whose wife engages in s*x with other men with his full knowledge and consent.  In more recent times, the husband is present and watching when this takes place.  Traditionally, a cuckold is denied s*x with his wife and the wife has little to no interest in her husband sexually.  Generally because he doesn't satisfy her.  This may or may not be the case with your wife, but if I were you I wouldn't tempt fate.  You could find yourself alone and without if she decides she prefers being with other men.  You could also become jealous when she begins having s*x with other men.  I know it may not seem like it now, but it does happen more often than you might think.  People go into something like this to live out a fantasy and find out that they're more jealous than they anticipated, then marital problems arise.  If your wife has shown no interest, I wouldn't even present the idea if I were you.  Some fantasies are better left as fantasies.

  2. Just ask her out straight, explain what you want to do and talk it through with her.

    It maybe just something you might want to keep as a fantasy between the two of you though,  Me and my wife are swingers and do enjoy the life style but i am not interested in being a cuck.  

    You gotta both be happy doing things, if she isn't then do not force her into it.  You gotta be open and honest and be in a strong relationship for anything like this to work.

    many people calling it sick!!!  everyone had there views yes but it doesn't make you sick for having a fantasy.  each to there own and all.  i don't think u are sick at all.  if it is what u both want to do good luck just be careful.

  3. You are the first person that says how to get my wife to cheat me sexually.....

    That's strange....

    Man, what's your problem... if you have some fantasy.... I'd suggest you to visit a shrink instead of your wife with the proposal....

    That's real gross

  4. hmm.. Im with everyone else.. what the heck is it??

  5. Tell her that's what you want.

  6. feel her out while you're in bed, start talking and hinting around at it WHILE youre in bed together...see what her reaction is and take it from there. She might like the idea but she also might think you're testing her fidelity. I've been in the situation before and loved it although I must admit that I did believe he was testing my fidelity. That said, she might be on the same page as you and actually want to try it. Good luck!

  7. You can always start by roll playing and see what kind of response you get from her.  If it is something that peaks her interest, then you can talk with her after the roll playing and tell her you would like to continue the idea and talk about it more.  My wife and I sometimes do this, by allowing a young man to service her while I watch.  Good luck.

  8. If you're not certain of the terms, then you really haven't spent enough time researching this.

    Contrary to what some people here have said, you're not crazy, you're not stupid and you're not (incredibly) weird. I'm pretty sure the percentage figure is in the single numbers, but there are a lot of men who have fantasies similar to yours.

    I think you would be wise to spend some time looking around the Internet for websites aimed at guys with interests similar to your own. When you find them, be very careful not to accept everything at face value: sometimes people with very active imaginations and well-developed fantasies will present them as fact. It would be unwise to seek to learn any lessons about how this fantasy plays out in real life from the stories those people relate.

    Getting a third party involved in you marriage is a very risky proposition for all sorts of reasons. I think you would be wise to see how far you can take this idea while keeping it firmly in the realms of fantasy you share with your wife before you consider making it reality.

    The first step in that is explaining to your wife what you've been thinking about in a way that will not leave her feeling confused or like you have any interest in getting rid of her. If this sort of thing is going to work well in the real world, it requires a lot of trust, a lot of honest communication and a very sound relationship to start with.

    If you think any of those would be difficult for you to manage, then maybe the wisest thing would be for you to stick with kinky little films running in the privacy of your own head while you and your wife are making love.

  9. If i think what you mean like making your down part in her mouth? if that's the case, then may be buy her p**n movies to go on the mood. give her glass of red wine, and get on the work together.

  10. Well first off no one has answered because we don't know what "cuckold" is....and secondly you can't get someone to do anything you can however explain what it is you think you find exciting and ask if she is willing to try it or a portion of it to see how she feels about it.....step by step will get you is less overwhelming..

  11. Well you better be 100% certain this is what you want, because you will be going down a slippery path.

    There are two kinds of guys...guys that are completely jealous of anyone who flirts/talks with their wife, and guys that think it is flattering and hot to have guys pay their girl attention, for the simple fact that it proves the fact they are married to a hot woman.

    In that second group, there is a percentage of men who most definitely fantasy about watching their wife with another man.  It sounds sick to some, and it probably is not a wise choice (spiritually or relationship wise) but it is an fantasy of many nonetheless.  I am not sure cuckold is the right word, as most men don't want to be denied s**y or disrepected, but rather just want a hot night of watching their wife pleasured.

    I have to admit that I have had those fantasies before, very real indeed.  But I have determined that I am married to a beautiful great woman and I don't want to take a chance on ruining a good thing.  So I have not even brought it up to her.  

    So be careful...and if you want to pursue it, bring it up in the bedroom during s*x to feel her out.

  12. You want your wife to cheat on you.  Why did you bother getting married?  You sound like you want to be a pimp rather than a husband.

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