
How to go Muzaffarnagar to Haridwar by Road ?

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We have following options of travelling from Indore to Haridwar by:

1. Indore-Meerut city by train & Meerut to Haridwar by bus/taxi

2. Indore-Muzaffarnagar by train & Muzaffarnagar to haridwar by bus/taxi.

Which one is better and why ? Is it convinient to get taxi from Muzaffarnagar ? How much could it charge?




  1. Take the first one. I would say its easier to get a taxi from meerut to hardwar. Also you could take UP Roadways A/C buses leaving for Haridwar every hour. Taxi stand and bus stand are close by.

    Cant say how convenient would it be to get a taxi from MuzaffarNagar. Although its closer to Haridwar as compared to Meerut, you might take less time in reaching Haridwar from Meerut as the train travel time between would a a lot more than road travel time.

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