
How to go Saudi Arab - living and work

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Friends, i am a freelance web developer in karachi pakistan and i earn average of 400USD each month, but i am not sure about living cost in saudi arab, i want to go Jeddah or Riyadh, for that i want an azaad visa / sponsorship and also i want to ask you that i like to do freelance web development business there but i am not sure about their policies etc. i hope all of you understand what i want to ask ..

please also tell me about some basic cost of living there i mean rental house, car, bills and food etc and how/where can i get sponsorship/azaad visa and how much it will cost, i will be very thankful to all of you.

I am waiting for answers :)




  1. have s*x with a saudi girl inpregyenat  and than live there -..........

  2. its better to apply in your local agency there to look related work for you rather than come here as a freelancer which you still needed a saudi sponsor so you can get your residence permit, etc. Most freelancers here have problems with their sponsor and some sponsors are asking for big money so its still better to apply via agency....

  3. Things are not as easy as the used to be. If you want to buy a visa, the guy selling the visa will charge you around 20,000 Sr. then the visa fee in Pakistan plus the air ticket, medical and iqama process here will cost another 4000 SR. This is all before you even start working. Finding a job or free lance work is not a problem but to get here these days is a problem. The best thing to do is to find a job and come here otherwise as others have pointed out that the SPONSOR can be hand full, with continuous demands. Living expenses depend on your style of living, it can be anything from 1000 SR/month to Infinite amount. Cars can be had from 5000 SR to 5000000SR. In your case, I would suggest to get a job and free lancing is not that easy, you can end up in legal trouble.

  4. dude, saudi like many other countries, difficult to say how much do you need for living here. you can live for 400 dollars and you can find 4000 dollars is just too little to do anything.

    but lemme go for the lower end in jeddah:

    - you can eat decent food for 3 to 4 dollars per meal

    - no taxes

    - transportation: gas is d**n cheap, about a quarter dollar per litre. big market for used cars. but you might consider taxis: you can count 5 dollars for 20 minutes ride. of course taxis will have different rates for different people. they charge more for saudis, and much much more for westerners. it all depends in ur negotiation skills with taxis.

    now about your profission. you can find jobs easily, depending in your skills. there are a lot of people in the market, but with a good quality and competence, you will always have a place.

    you can search for advertising agencies here and look for contacts and try to hook up with them. most advertising agencies get the job from the client (in which web design is one part of it) so then they outsource the things that they don't have. so, they can outsource web designs to smaller companies or free lancers.

    the best thing is to have somehow a link through one of your friends who is in saudi. there are plenty of professional pakistanis here. offer to do a web design for one company for free. then, you can display it, talk about it to show off your skills.

    good luck


    It will be difficult just to pop on in saudi arabia and expect you will get business directly. unless you believe in the quality of your work and you have advantage over other web designers, you won't your way easily.

    As everybody said, try to get through a job, that at least will secure you the basics to survive, and you can look in working slowly in developing your network and getting business.

    Freelancing business is mainly about networking, provided you got the quality.

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