
How to go about asking my mom if i can stretch my ears?

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obviosuly i would go big

seriously i would probably go to a 10 no biggy im just bored with regular earings

anyways my mom is the kind fo person who thinks things are weird like "why whould you want to do that"

and stuff

i already asked her if i can get a piercing but thats a no til im 18

but this isnt really a piercing, its a piercing i already have...

so how would i ask?

or approach

dont be rude or say eww thats gross because i really don't care




  1. I have my ears stretched.

    I was never allowed any body modifications, however, I did it anyways :)

    Just do it, and see if she even notices. My parents didn't until they saw a huge hole in my ear.

  2. Yuck! I would absafukinglutally die of you were my kid asking me to let you do that!!

  3. Just wait til you're eighteen. The you can do whatever you want,

  4. Well first of all that's a realy weird thing to want to do...

    Second of all yuo don't really need to ask permission, just design some weights or something and don't use them in her presence if you don't think she'll like it...

  5. a 10 isnt a big deal. like if you took out your 10, the holes would probably go closed. just do it, what can she do to stop ya. seriously. its not that bad.

    if you decided to go to a 0, than you may want to ask her permission first lol

  6. just do it. i did and my mom laughed. but , just say hey mom look and theese earings i bought. :]

  7. Give it 6 months and they'll have earings that look the same without stretching.

    There's no guarantee they'll go back & you might not be able to get a job where you want:

    I did a quick google search, they already have rings that look the same without stretching:

  8. don't do it. I have a friend who TOTALLY regrets it. The problem is not that not even plastic surgery can fix/replace.

    You'll regret it when you're'll regret it when you're 30 and you can't get a decent job and you'll regret it when you're a parent, so think big picture because my friend is up a creek now.

  9. just do it she probobly wont even notice, and if she does tell her they will stretch back, just like how a pregnant woman's belly skin stretches, skin is elastic and is ment o stretch. thats what i told my mom back in the day. they do stretch back, but if u go too far obviously they wont, but a 10 deff. should go backto normal.

  10. 10? that sooo little!

    just ask, thats what i did, and she said no but i did it anyways XD

  11. don't ask. she's better off finding it out by herself. plus, you're not breaking any rules... it's not a piercing!  

  12. I am not trying to be rude, and I am not going to say that is gross, but your ears don't ever go back to normal size. And you might want to think about that for your future. Your not alway going to want have stretched ears. Think about when  your trying to get a good job, or getting married. Or even when your a old women. I would consider not even asking her and forgetting about it.

  13. just go  do it urself

    i got  a second hole piercing when i was 13   i wen tin there  told  them i was 18    and forgot my ID  at home

    they believed me    cuz i look older   plus i was wearin really S****y clothes  adn a lot of make up

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