
How to go about becoming a nun/sister?

by  |  earlier

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ive been having dreams about becoming a nun and so i went to church and felt completely home. i need to know how to become a nun, or a sister. i would prefer sister.




  1. A 'nun' and a 'sister' are the different names for the same thing, a woman who has given herself to a religious vocation.  There are dozens if not hundreds of religious societies you can join.  You need to have a good long talk with your priest or religious counselor.  I am only assuming that you are catholic.  I know that the Episcopal church also has nuns, but I have no idea who you speak with or go about it.  As a former RCC, and a former novice of the Sister of Social Service, I can tell you that it not easy to get accepted as a nun.  You must, of course, be a baptized, confirmed and regular church-going catholic.  You will need to have letters of recommendation from your local priest and other upstanding members of the church community.  There are usually psychological tests and evaluations to go through.  Just feeling at home in a church does not mean you have a religious vocation.  Step One:  talk to your local priest, he can point you in the right direction.

  2. Convince your parents to have s*x with each other.


  3. All believers are brothers and sisters in Christ.

  4. Well you will have to figure out which order that you want to join, and then contact their home office about vocations.  Also talk with your priest, he should be able to help you in that area also.

    In the mean time, here are some urls of different orders

    May our Lord bless you!  

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