
How to go about opening a Nursery/Preschool?

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How to go about opening a Nursery/Preschool?




  1. Call your local Office of Children and Family Services, NYS regulations are on line and your state should be also.  Do you have a local Child care advocacy center nearby which could help you and some states they grant money to daycare centers and home day cares.

  2. Go to an accountant and get a tax number and advertise. You will have to have an inspector come in an check the home and lawn. You will need fire extinguishers, a couple exits from the home. I think you would call the small business administration and get the inspector to come in. Good Luck.

  3. It depends on where you live. Most states have rules about how many kids you can have in your care before you need some sort of license. Some regulate only full day care, some regulate any program with more than a certain number of kids even if they are half day. There are also qualifications for teachers etc. in regulated programs. You may also have to deal with local zoning and fire safety regulations.

         Find out the rules first, then decide what kind of program you want, and where. Be prepared to lay out a lot of money before any comes in.


    This can give you some information. Also go to the agency which governs preschools in your area and ask for a packet of information.

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