
How to go back to school when you were home schooled?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna go back to school i was homeschooled in 9th grade and they just told me to do the work the thing is i did the work i did everything but in the homeschooled that i got in you only do the work but they dont keep your records like your grades or stuff like that my mom grades my stuff with the answer key and i dont know if the high school its gonna accept what do i do, i dont want to be in the 9th grade when i already know everything i wanna be in the 10th grade i need help!!!!!!!!!




  1. They should accept you as long as you kept records of your work. Files, day logs, papers you've written, portfolios of work you've done, etc. If you have this, you shouldn't have much trouble. If you don't, you are pretty much screwed, and you have no one to blame but yourself

  2. Are you in the US or Canada? This makes a difference because in the US, grade 9 is typically high school, but in Canada, it's typcally the year before high school.

    If you are in the US, it's going to completely depend on the school's policies. You'll have to talk to them.

    If you are in Canada, you should just be able to sign up for your grade 10 courses.

  3. ok ask ur parents to talk to the prinipal abt this. ask the principal to take a test or whatever. if she takes the test then it depends on how u do like if u do it good then great u r in the 10th but if u dont reach to their expectations then forget it and stay in the 9th and be happy.

    see it depends on every school's rules so ask ur parents to go and talk it out!

    good luck!!!

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