A member of my family living in Ohio currently works for a life insurance/investments company and is thinking of quitting from that company and going to work for another similar company. What we’re wondering about are his legal limitations, obligations, etc. We’ve heard once before that as a captive agent, you cannot work for two different life insurance companies. That if you’re going to quit from one and go to another you have to finalize your employment at the 1st company before singing ANY paperwork of employment at the new company. Has anyone had any experience with this before?
We were thinking about staying at the 1st company for about another month or so while finial commissions come in and go through the employment paper work at the second company (but not sell any of their products). Then, after a month, he’d finalize employment at the first place then he would already work at the new place and could be able to start selling their products.
Does anyone have any advice?