
How to go green?

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How to go green? Why do they ask me to pay for the plastic bags ???





    this is good website to tell you how to go green..

    and ofc there are few books that can help you to know how to be green

    I have a book, "true green 100 everyday ways you can contribute to a healthier planet" by Kim Mckay and Jenny Bonnin

    It's good book for you to understand.. It is only cost about 20 bucks but it is worth it!

    Umm they ask you to pay for plastic bag because of oil, i think.. Gas price is getting high.. it is hard to produce plastic bags.. now they are charging the price for plastic bags..


  3. because plastic bags are harmful to the environment

    they can take up to 1,000 years to decompose

    which means more use of plastic bags mean increase of waste in landfills

  4. Plastic bags are made of oil. Ever seen an oil spill? Seen the damage it does?

    Plastic bags degrade into toxic waste (to make a long answer short.) and it poisons the Earth and all on it.

    Plastic bags also float out to sea, they strangle sea life when they mistake them for food, or animals get caught in them and die.

    People are being charged for plastic bags as a way to remind them to bring their own reusable CANVAS bag to the shops. It's very simple. Don't accept a plastic bag. ANY plastic bag. Just get them to dump all you buy in a canvas bag, or a surfers bag, or a emo bag or whatever your taste in bag may be - so long as its not plastic.

    How to go green isn't as easy as it sounds but you can make some very easy switches right now.

    When you go to bed at night turn off all your power points that are usually on standby. This reduces electricity used and this saves the planets resources.

    Also you can use green power instead of normal electricity. Don't worry, it still comes to you the same way - but you pay for your energy to come via clean methods such as wind and solar energy rather than from burning coal.

    You can also recycle glass, tin, plastics an paper. And by not using plastic bags, you're making a huge difference.

    Walk, don't drive. Take public transport. Don't drive. Get a hybrid car, not a fully loaded petrol car. Or walk....  don't drive. ;)

    Lawn mowers are evil. Get a hand mower not a petrol mower. See... there is a petrol link, which links to oil which links to plastic.

    Buy items that come in minimal packaging so you don't have so much waste to throw out. Where do you think all that waste goes? No where? Wrong...

    Plant trees and support your local wildlife. Be active in the local and NATURAL wildlife of your area. Are there any endangered species in your area? I bet you there are. Take action and do something about it. So many people say they want to help, or go green, but do nothing. Don't be one of those.

    Download your music. Don't buy CD's, Tapes, Records. This saves on printing, pressing, plastics, vinyl, etc. And you still get your music plus its cheaper.

    There are a million other things to do. Eat organically, go Vegetarian, or at least once a week dont eat meat. That makes a huge difference. Buy recycled timber products when buying wood furniture or any furniture. Donate to charity instead of throwing old clothes and items away. Use natural fabrics not man made. They break down organically.

    Change your light bulbs to CFC's if you haven't already and turn them off when you leave a room.

    Make sure your appliances (fridge etc) has a good energy rating.

    Get rain water tanks, grey water systems, solar hot water...

    There are so many ways and a million books. Why not get one or two from the library?

    Carbon offsets are fine if you are investing in wind or solar farms. Make sure you research into where your carbon offset is going, but to go green you have to do the work too. You can only offset cars, plane rides etc. Day to day, it is in your hands.

    The person who posted above, who I just saw after posting this, has some great points too!

  5. When replacing appliances buy energy efficient ones.

    ● Turn off electrical appliances when not in use, don’t use the standby option.

    ● Use energy efficient light bulbs and switch off lights when not in use.

    ● Similarly, turn down water heating by a few degrees.

    ● Fit individual thermostats to radiators and don't heat rooms that aren't used.

    ● Insulate walls, lofts, hot water tanks and pipes.

    ● Turn your heating and air conditioning down, a small difference will be barely noticeable.

    ● Sign up to a green energy supplier, one that produces energy from renewable sources.

    ● Turn off heating and air-conditioning when the house or office is unoccupied.

    ● Wash full loads of clothes at a lower temperature, modern machines and detergents are just as effective at lower temperatures.

    ● Dry your clothes outdoors instead of in a tumble drier.

    ● Wash full loads in the dish-washer.

    Insulate your home and block draughts around doors and windows. In Europe this is free to many people.

    ● Consider installing a renewable energy system such as solar panels or a home wind turbine.

    ● Use rechargeable batteries; don’t leave rechargers on for longer than is needed (including mobile / cell phones).

    ● Boil only as much water in the kettle as you need.

    ● Buy locally produced organic food where possible, there's less transportation and the farming methods are more environmentally friendly.

    ● Look where goods were manufactured and avoid buying those that have been flown or shipped long distances.

    ● Recycle and reuse as much as possible. Sign up with mail preferential services to stop junk mail.

    ● Avoid buying products with excessive packaging.

    ● Don’t have your fridge or freezer set lower than need to be, regularly defrost freezers, don’t put hot food into your fridge or freezer.

    ● If your fridge or freezer is over 15 years old then consider replacing it (check with local authority regarding disposal of old one).

    ● Work from home where possible.

    ● Eat less meat and dairy produce, farming produces large quantities of greenhouse gases.

    For many people a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved

    by driving a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Each gallon of gasoline burned produces

    10kg (20 pounds) of carbon dioxide.

    ● Drive a fuel efficient vehicle, if you have more than one vehicle use the most economical one more often.

    ● Walk or cycle to work or when taking the kids to schools, if you have to drive consider car sharing.

    ● Use public transport where possible

    ● Take a coach or train instead of using domestic flights.

    ● When replacing your vehicle look at diesel and liquid petroleum gas models.

    ● Combine multiple journeys into one and do your weekly shopping in a single trip.

    ● Stagger journeys where possible to avoid rush hour traffic and hold ups.

  6. Here is a link to 53 ways you can go green at home:

    I'm sure charging for plastic bags is an effective way to deter people from using them. For information on the harms of using plastic bags, please visit:


    save your money.. save the planet

    read the link its great!

  8. Consume less.  Waste less.  Recycle more.  Simple.

    (Don't fall into all the other hype like carbon credits, etc.  The only way you can be SURE you're doing something is to do it yourself.
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