
How to go red from black hair?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to go for like an auburn or a mahogany (red family) hair color

but my hair is naturally black,(I have Asian Hair) and I have dyed my hair with a black hair dye to cover my grown out light brown color early in the spring semester (the light brown was professionally done).

now i want to go for a red all over color but i want to do it myself at home. I am pretty good at coloring from a box at home.

what are the steps I should do first to lighten up my hair EVENLY. and then get the red that i want.

And what are the things/ lightening products i need to buy? aside from the hair color i want.





  1. wow. you should've never dyed it black.

    IF YOU WANT TO DO IT AT bleach from a beauty salon (ask them what volume number to get for hair bleach) but since you dyed it black its going to be a'd most likely turn orange....but you can still try that and dye it auburn after bleaching it..

    i've bleached my hair and colored it many many many of times but i should  do it professional

  2. I'd really reccomend getting it professionally done if you can afford it because it will be so much easier..but if you insist on doing it at home here's my advice:

    if you have put a black dye in your hair, you have to get this out first because hairdye only lifts color from your natural hair color, it wont life out other dyes.

    they have different products you can buy to do this either at a beauty supply place or at somewhere like walmart or a drug store, called color strippers AKA hairdye remover. what you do is put it on your hair, and you wear gloves and "pull" and massage it through your hair and it will lift out any dyes already in your hair.

    after that you should wait a day or two make sure your hair doesn't get too dry or brittle from all the processes, and use a bleach kit. you want to put the bleach on the ends of your hair first and work upward to about ear level and stop. then wait to see it lightening up. when it's getting light you can put the bleach on the rest of your hair (all the roots at the scalp) because that area will lighten REALLY fast due to the fact that it's newer healthier hair and also the heat from your scalp. it's important to wait before doing the roots because you don't want to end up with half brown hair with super blonde at the top.

    you'll want the bleach to your hair to a light brownish shade. it might turn out a little orange-ish but since you're planning on doing an auburn type color with a reddish tone that won't be noticeable in the end.

    after bleaching you should wait another day or so to let your hair build up some more oils before putting the final color dye in it you want.

  3. Honestly, if you do more to it, it would look rather fried, and not silky.

    But if that doesn't stop you, then go ahead, and this is how you do it.

    First you'll need to lighten the black a little bit, to a shade that is a little lighter than the red you want. After you bleach it a little, then you can add the hair color.

    You'll need:

    ten foil, cut it into strips about 4 inches wide by 7 inches long.

    about 15 hair clips like these

    a bottle of developer (30 works but 40 volume is much better to achieve lighter hair ) a good brand of devloper is This brand

    and you'll also need a package of bleaching powder, a good brand is again L'Oreal which you can buy here or other places

    You'll also need a timer.

    and either an applicator bottle or a bowl

    lastly you'll need a mixing brush, which is basically any small brush or comb that you mix the bleach and developer together with .

    Now what you do is , do not wash your hair for 24 hours before you being, to keep the oils on your scalp to protect the scalp from the bleach. Separate your hair into smaller sections that you can work with and keep them out of your face and out of your way. You can use the hair clips to keep the sections separate, put a towel around your clothes to keep any bleach from dropping onto the clothes. Then you need the developer bottle or bowl, into it put in equal amounts of developer with equal amounts of bleaching powder. Mix, and apply evenly from root to tip onto the hair, and smooth the hair into the tenfoil and fold it if it is long into the tenfoil, now use the tenfoils bending ability to secure the section of hair, and give it extra hold with the hair clip to keep it from slipping. Repat with each section, leave it on until you have achieved the shade you like, if after 45 minutes to an hour it is not light enough, rinse off and when dry repeat. The longer you leave it on though, the weaker the hair gets.

    You can also ask sallies beauty supply , they have a free help line so that they can help and recomend products to you, they can also recomend a bleach and other things to help you achieve the result you want with the red hair color and gettign the black out etc..

    Also, if you have already attempted to dye some of the hair and you have roots, then just bleach the roots the first time around to even everything out and then go back around again with a second application of bleach to finish it all off.

    now you can add the red hair color you want.

    You should call the sallies hair beauty hot line to as them with any and all questions that you have, the sallies beauty supply website where you can find their free hotline is here, you may also be able to email them.

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