
How to grade homeschool work?

by Guest32825  |  earlier

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I recently started homeschooling for the first time, and I don't remember how to grade papers. Do you divide 100 by the number of problems and then subtract that answer from 100?




  1. If you are doing it by percent, you would divide 100 by the number of questions. Then multiply that answer by the number of questions that are correct.

    For Example:

    A student took a test with 5 questions.

    100 / 5 = 20

    They got 3 of the 5 questions correct.

    20 * 3 = 60

    So their grade would be 60%

    A much simpler way is to just divide the number of correct answers by the total number of questions.

    A student took a test with 20 questions and got 17 right.

    So 17/20 were correct.

    Divide 17 by 20 and you get 85.

    (The students grade would be 85%)

    Hope this helped!

    Email me with any questions you may have!


    God Bless!

    xx   Bri

  2. If you must grade, take the number total number of questions and divide by the number of questions they got right.  The calculator will give you a decimal for an answer.  The first two numbers to the right of the decimal is the percentage out of 100, and therefore their grade.  Why grade though?  What's the purpose?  The purpose of teaching is to learn it all.  The ones that are wrong need to be corrected by the student until they're all right:  100%

  3. Why do you have to grade? The beauty of homeschool is your flexibility. The purpose of grading is determining how much they know.

    So....use tests and assignments as a way to see what they don't know yet, and go back over the questions until they do know it. If they still don't get it, and it's not that vital to know, let it be wrong. Then the suggestion to divide the number of questions right by the total number of questions is as easy as it gets.

    By making sure they understand it all, their grades will improve greatly! Makes them feel better about their school work when they see A's!

  4. Yes, if you want to grade that way, but why? Why do that when you can just go over the paper and mark the questions answered incorrectly and then go back and go over them with your child so they actually LEARN the right answers instead of just squeaking by with say, a D, and never learning how to do the things they got wrong?

  5. If your going to give % grades do yourself a favor. You can buy one of those guides that tell you the percentage for about 3 dollars at a teaching store. It will make life so much easier. For now you can do a search for a percent calculator and plug your numbers in there.  

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