
How to grip the snooker cue?

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i play snooker thats why i neeed to know that how to grip the snooker cue i am the fan of ronnie o sullivan if the tips of ronnie is are provided to me than its will be more better




  1. If u r right handed make a backwards L shape and cushion the cue in between if you are left handed make an L shape and cushion it either hand always stretch the back arm as far as it will go to get more power in the shot

  2. The main thing is to have a grip that holds the cue straight when cueing. If you grip too tight you'll push the cue off line. Too loose and you won't get a decent follow through.

    Check out for some great tutorials

  3. check out Ronnie's website for tips then:

  4. A snooker cue is merely a pool cue with a longer or snooker shaft. The grip is the same... lightly using more fingertips than palm with a good finger over bridge and a smooth, consistent well rehearsed stroke. If you'd like to see a very professional grip and stroke from an extremely qualified professional snooker player who now plays 9 ball in the states 'cause there's more money in it, watch Allison Fischer play on Espn sports channel. LTB

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