
How to grow Wild Apple Trees?

by Guest65281  |  earlier

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How do I go about the growing and planting of an apple tree?? The apples that I have to grow are ones that I picked off of some tree while on a walk in the woods. I would like to grow them for scenic beauty only, not to eat them (as I don't believe you can).




  1. You can most certainly eat the apples the trees produce.  They may be sweet and fabulous, or somewhat mealy and tasteless, or tart.  It's a bit of a c**p-shoot.  But they'll be edible.  If they're not suitable for eating, you can always just use them for cider.

    Apple seeds are inside the cores of the apples you have.  You'll need to cold-stratify them (they need a period of chilling before they will germinate.)

    You can plant some in the ground this fall.  Nature will cold-stratify them, and they should sprout in the spring.  They hopefully will sprout in the spring.  You could also try chilling some in the fridge for several months, and then plant them in pots, and transplant outdoors in the spring when danger of frost is past.

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