
How to grow a bannana plant out of a regular bannana you get from a store?

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I want to grow a bannana plant.





  1. This is the real John Scatoloni. This post had nothing to do with me. I did not write this at all. My business site was hacked on Wordpress along with hundreds of others in December 2014, and information was stolen and these hackers are using my name to post.

  2. This is the real John Scatoloni. This post had nothing to do with me. I did not write this at all. My business site was hacked on Wordpress along with hundreds of others in December 2014, and information was stolen and these hackers are using my name to post.

  3. You can only reproduce if you have the seeds.Once  you have them, they must be dried.The seeds are located in the middle of a banana.You eat  all of them when you eat a banana.

    They are very tiny but can be separated by drying out an entire banana.

    I've never attempted it.I just know that it is possible.

  4. "Bananas are propagated from offshoots (suckers or keikis) or corms (bullheads). If enough buds are present, large bullheads can be halved or quartered.

    Planting material should be treated for nematodes"

    In other words, no, you can't grow bananas from the ones you get at the grocery store.

  5. You cannot, the banana is sterile. You will have to break down and buy a plant.

  6. sorry, but most bananas dont grow taht way. all the store verieties have no seeds, but some like musa basjoos do have lots of seeds.

    buy a banana and in a year or less it will begin to make babies from the bottom of the plant and soon you will have as many as 10 plants in 2 years even though you started from one

    some good verieties are cavendish and orinocco. ice cream bananas , and california gold bananas are tasty too fruits in about 3 years

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