
How to grow sweet potato plants?

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I used to have one years ago I got a sweet pot. from the store and it grew but I forget how I did it, I know i had it indoors and in a cup, lol not sure if i put the potato in the water or leave it?? anyone know??




  1. How to Grow a Sweet Potato Plant:

  2. get a quart jar.fill with water stick tooth picks in a sweet potato  and put the potato point end in the jar of water and it should start to sprout and remember to keep plenty of water in the jar

  3. Take a sweet potato and place in a small glass or sure you have the root side down,add water but do not cover the whole potato, change water often.

  4. Suspend it half in/half out of water, until it puts out roots, then plant it and enjoy.  (Use 3-4 toothpicks around its "waist" to suspend in a glass or jar of water.)

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