
How to grow taller im 13 boy and im 5 foot 4 and friends are same age but are 5 foot 10 and 6 foot?

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How to grow taller im 13 boy and im 5 foot 4 and friends are same age but are 5 foot 10 and 6 foot?




  1. I don't know how you can grow taller. Perhaps you can drink tons of milk, and consume lots of vitamin c. LOL!  just kidding. Hey, it doesn't matter how tall you are. If you want to feel... let see... more confident, why don't you start working out? It never hurts to work out and build some muscles and a good six pack. You can show off with the ladies! But wait! Consult with your physician before you try any type of excerise!!! Just because your buddies are taller doesn't mean you are less of a person. You can be just as good in other fields.

  2. Acid. If you are tripping maybe you will feel taller.  

  3. There are many different ways that can help you in becoming taller.

    First of all, plenty of sleeping or just lying flat helps you become taller. That is because it benefits the spinal cord. Sitting throughout the day does not hep you get taller. So whenever you can do otherwise, try not to sit down. Good posture always helps significantly by standing straight, or keeping your spinal cord straight.

    Another way, but not recommended since you are only 13, are by taking hormone pills. There are certain medications that are designed to make you taller. This way is most significant, but not natural. There are also special exercises that are beneficial to your height.

    I hoped i helped :] Just remember to get plenty of sleep. The results may not come fast but with time, you will see significant height increases.

  4. Nothing you can do. You will grow when it is time for you to grow. Are your parents tall? What about siblings? Looking at other family members may give you an idea of how tall you can expect to get.

    Boys can continue to grow until their early 20s. Be patient.  

  5. THEY ARRE 13 AND 6 FEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is tall

  6. This is easy get new friends or start wearing heels!!!!

  7. yoghurt, cheese, and boiled chicken. Your bones need phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium while your muscles need water, protein and carbohydrates to grow. Since you are growing taller, both your muscles and bones are getting bigger and longer. Don't waste your money or your health on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

    Tips for healthy nutrition

    1. Eat at regular hours.

    2. Don't skip any meal.

    3. Don't forget to eat breakfast. Always start the day with a well-rounded meal.

    4. Take the time to taste and to chew your food well.

    5. Vary your menu.

    6. Avoid pastries, sweets, crisps, soda drinks - anything that has little or no nutritious value.

    7. Beware of salt consumption. It can cause hypertension.

    8. Eat a lot of raw vegetables and fresh juice. Choose whole wheat bread.

    9. Drink six (6) to eight (8) glasses of water or vegetable juice or sugar-free juice per day.

    10.You should also drink milk.

    11.Eat good quality food supplements every day.

    12.After each meal you should rest. Don't start to work or exercise right after.

    Have the hair style that makes you appear taller. In order to appear taller, a hair style should be thin at the sides and higher up top, which can make you appear as much as an inch taller Avoid clothes with horizontal lines. Belts are horizontal so make sure you conceal it in your clothes.

    Avoid clothes with a tartan or checked pattern. Avoid cuffs that makes your legs appear shorter.

    • Wear clothes with vertical lines or striping. Vertical lines or stripping make a person appear thinner,

    and thinness in turn gives impression of more height.

    Wear shoes that will make you appear taller. If you are a female, this should be easy since you can find a lot of female shoes with 2 or 3 inches’ heels. For males, wear shoes with thick soles to add the illusion of height.

    To increase your height, it is important that your blood is oxygenated as blood provides nourishment to your bones. Regular breathing will also purify your blood. There are three phases to breathing:

    1. Inhaling - take in air into your body through the nose

    2. Retaining - hold your breath inside your body

    3. Exhaling - blow out air from your body through the mouth

    It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job of thickening and lengthening your bones. So appropriate sleeping time (not the longer, the better) and correct sleeping posture is very important for your body to grow. Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.

    During deep sleep, growth hormone produced by your pituitary gland is released into your blood stream and travel through your body and causes the thickening and lengthening of your bones. Therefore, you should achieve "deep level" sleep on a daily basis in order to coordinate your affords of exercises and proper diet. The following are some helpful tips on how to easily achieve deep level sleep.

    Sleep in a comfortable and firm mattress.

    Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet and fresh smelling.

    Sleep with clean, soft, and comfortable clothes.

    Keep your hands and feet warm. Scientific studies have shown that warm hands and feet will help induce REM (rapid eye movement) deep sleep. Cold hands and feet will keep you from deep sleep.

    Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help clean out your system.

    Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed.

    Relax from head to toe. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body.

    Maintain a habit of sleeping at the same time everyday, including weekends.

    Sleep on your back with a flat pillow under your knees. This will align your spine properly and prevent any back aches caused by sleeping in a bent position.

    Undoubtedly, the quality, quantity, and type of food we eat affect our height, growth, and health. We cannot emphasize enough how important your food intake is in determining how much growth you can possibly obtain. The types of food you eat will either improve or decrease your growth potential.

    After careful consideration and research, the daily content of protein, carbohydrates, fats and water can be achieved if the following items were taken regularly.

    Carrots Fish Liver

    Egg Yolk Beef Red Meat

    Milk Cheese Apples

    Green Vegetables Potatoes Nuts

    Yellow Vegetables Almonds Bananas

    Peanuts Chicken Beans

    Peas Salt 6-8 glasses of water per day

    If you eat a lot of peanut butter, your height will not necessarily stop. Neither does masturbation stop height.

    What might stop you from growing is smoking, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, digestive problems, or lack of exercise.

    Height Growth Products : The first approved natural product for height increase is Super-Growth with this product it is possible to gain additional height growth even after puberty.

  8. Don't worry about this, really.  You will be the height you were meant to be.  Some are tall and some are short.  Look at your parents/grandparents height....this will help you determine what your average height will eventually be.  Some growth spurts come later for some but don't sweat it.  Eat healthily (drink milk for bone growth) and stay physically active.  Just concentrate on being healthy, not tall.  Focus on being a great person that is trustworthy, reliable, honest, and a man of his word with integrity.  These traits are more important than height.

  9. ummmmmm. so?

  10. well not everyone is going to be tall, when i was 13 i was 5'2". now I'm 15 Turning 16 5'7" . its all good as long as your not shorter than most girls.

  11. i thought i was gnna b tall myself, i was 5 foot 5 when i was 12 years old i thought i might be 6 foot something but im only 5 foot 9 n im 21 years old. i wuz breaking family records lol the tallest person in my family wuz my father n he's 5 7 but i passed n im one of the tallest but not real tall.

  12. ur friends are gigantic u will get ur turn it a parent thing so just wait patience is a virtue


  13. If you're living a healthy lifestyle- that is to say not too skinny or too fat, getting enough exercise, eating healthy food, etc- then there's really nothing you can do to grow taller. It's just a genetic thing, some people are simply shorter than others.

  14. You can't really make yourself grow taller. Boys grow at different rates because they have different times for puberty. To help, I would say to get a lot of protein and vitamins to help your body and bones get stronger and that might help you grow.

  15. Blame your parents? Sometimes it's just in the genes, I'm sorry to say.

  16. You will probably peak at 5'9 plus at the age of 18 when boys usually stop growing.

    Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it.

  17. eat your veggies

    do sports

    drink milk.

    sleep early and wake up early.

    you will grow.

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