
How to grow your hair faster

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"long hair" thats what i want




  1. which hair r u talking about? if it is your hair in your head maybe you can use rejoice and if it is your pubic hair, maybe u should go to the hairstylist and ask them how to make your pubic hair grow longer....hahahaahahaha

  2. There is not one way to make your hair grow faster.It grows like a mm a day.


  3. just f-ing wait

  4. ok dude i have had a massive reserch about it coz i am growing my hair long if you follow my steps we should both grow our hair really long ok

    - keep your hair wet and mostior

    -eat lots of fish,gelatin and drink milk.

    - buy ur self a disent calsium tablets that will simulate the hair growth

    -and last but not least massage your hair every day , every half an hour and when i say masage i mean take a brush and brush your hair (doesnt matter how long they are even if they are like half and inch still do that) and massage ur skulp with hand.


    Take in looooooooootttttssssss of calsium coz calsium make ur hair and nail grow faster !!!!!! that what i am starting to do so good luck with your hair man i hope i helped !!!!!!

  5. i know it sounds weird but massaging your head does actually make your hair grow faster.

  6. hmm.. wash your hair at every night not morning

    also some scientis found that if you think about rude things u kno "s*x or p**n " it helps your hair grow faster

    weelll good luck

  7. Shave your head first so it grows thicker and longer, thereater you can clip the tip of the hair regularly,  to induce growth.

  8. Wash your hair daily with shampoo and conditioner so the pores dont get clogged. Also you should try to get 1 inch of your hair cut every 2-3 months, so you can get rid of the split ends. Also, if you massage your forehead/scalp, it apparently helps it...somehow. =] good luck

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