
How to guinea pig proof my room?

by Guest10663  |  earlier

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okay my mom does not let my guinea pig run around in the living room so she has to stay in my room .. my room is big but i need help guinea pig proofing my room?




  1. You are able to buy these large play pen type of cages.Made of metal mesh, that have clip together sides with an open top. Therefore encircling an area but allows you to comfort & play with the guinea pig & the guinea pig can run around too.Some are large enough for you to sit in with the Guinea pig. Guinea pig's poo quite a lot , nothing a vacuum cleaner can't handle though lol.This may help a web site with pic

  2. Just nothing laying on the floor, and cover all exits and openings to closets etc.

  3. Get some plastic tubing from a hard ware store and then put it around all electrical wires so that she dose not get electrocuted and the close/lock all doors so that she cant escape and put any thing that you don't want her chewing out of reach.

    make sure that you have a tunnel or cardboard box or some thing so that if she gets scared she may hide.

  4. Like others said, make sure there are no wires (or cover them with plastic tubing) or toxic plants, and remove anything you don't want to see chewed up.

    You'll also want to block off areas that your guinea pig can get under, like your bed or dressers. If a guinea pig can get under those, it often takes quite a bit of effort to coax them out, and it's stressful for both the owner and the guinea pig ;-)

    I've found that my pigs usually "go potty" in corners and in enclosed spaces, so if you don't want to have to cover your whole floor, you can put down towels or newspapers in the most likely areas. You may still have to clean up an accident or two, but it makes a big difference.

    Remember - anything that is on the floor will be chewed. I've lost a few paperback books to my pigs.

  5. Make sure you don't have any ratsack in you're room... that would NOT be good.

    I agree with the others, keep all exits sealed, and all the little gaps and spaces where your pig might wanna hide, are blocked off, it's hard to get them out when they're wedged in hiding.

    Then keep them away from anything you don't want either eaten, or crapped on. Then you'll be totally sweet! =)

  6. Cover any floor vents, unplug electrical wires and keep them out of her reach, pick up any small objects on the floor that she could chew or swallow, close your closet door so she doesn't get lost from hiding.

  7. Make sure everything is closed, they're is nothing your guinea can get in it's mouth, or hide under/in.

  8. make like a mini run in your room out of some mesh that the guines pig cant get through or hurt them selves if they try to.

    good luck!

  9. get it a playpin fence

    or buy a couple and hook them together s oit wont leave

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