
How to haggle on the price of a used car when the dealers don't want to budge on price?

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I've been searching for a used car. I have excellent credit and am pre-approved. I am finding the cars I want, but they are priced about $2,000 - 4,000 over what I want to pay (based on research). They seem very unwilling to haggle on price, in fact some have flatly stated they have "no-haggle" pricing. So far, I've hit a wall, any ideas?




  1. find another dealer.

    ask to speak to the manager

    walk away... no sale is no income/commission

    if it's been on the lot a while, they'll want to get rid of it

    lie about your pre-approval amount and say it's only at the dollar amount you want

  2. If you feel they are charging you too much, then just don't buy it.  Look on the internet for the average going price of the car, if it's in line with most that you see, then he's charging the correct price and wants what he wants.

    He doesn't have to sell it to you for your price nor do you have to buy it for his price.

    You say the cars you are looking at are 2-4k over your budget, well, then you'll need to look at less expensive cars.

  3. I suggest trying to buy from a private party.  Typically private party prices are less than used car dealers.  Check out Craigslist and Autotrader

  4. You may have to lower your expectations for a car in your price range, or spend a little more.   Remember, they have to make a few dollars, and feed their family too. Most dealers will roll off the price as much as they can, and stop at the lowest profit they can make. If your hitting a wall it might just be that. A wall.   I would suggest making a clear (reasonable) offer and if they refuse, give them your number and tell them that the offer will stand until you buy something, and that they can call you if something comes in within your price range.

      I have bought two cars that way.  First they watched me drive off of their lot...  and 18 hours later called to say they found a way to make things work.  

    best of luck.

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