
How to handle a child that is south Korean?1?

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We got a little girl in our class who speaks south korean. Shes 4 years old. She is kind of starting to catch on but not really. She is hitting sticking out her tounge and the other kids tattle on her every 5 minutes.I dont know how to talk to her so shell understand me.We tried telling the mom but all she says is oh its ok she doesnt speak english.Thats no excuse! I talked to my boss about it today and she was maybe going to talk to the mom again but I was wondering if there is anything else I can try.Thanks for the help!




  1. I understand the situation, because i once was a 4-year-old korean kid who couldnt speak english.

    Here's how i learned enlgish: people talked to me. my bank of words started to accumulate, i started to recognize certatin words, and taaadaaa~! I learned English.

    I know that not all kids would learn other languages as quick, but a study tells that kids under the age of 8 learn languages at a tremendous speed. Try speaking slowly to her, and speak gently, and have her attention. Picture books are great, and i bet all kids regardless of race learn the same way.

  2. Although she may not be able to understand your words..body language can be very subtle..Put her in the corner and give her an angry face...if she does something good give her a reassuring look maybe she will understand

    Good Luck

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