
How to handle a dog with a busy schedule?

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Ok so I really want a dog for my birthday. But i'm at school for 8 hours a day, and both my parents will be at work. Though my one of my parents might be able to take the dog to work when we first get it (my parent owns their business) So please help maybe even give a link. P.S Thanks to everyone who answered this before




  1. i would wait until you have more time to take proper care of the dog

  2. ok, what u should do is get a puppy when school summer off. coz ur puppy needs u for about month and a half to be by her side plenty of time. sory, but the dog during school is not a good idea.

  3. If no one will be around to take care of the dog then it's best not to get one. Especially puppies need a lot of time spent on them. They need housebreaking and training. That just won't happen if no one is home.

    Right now it seems as if your family is too busy for a dog.

    Why not spend some time volunteering at a shelter so as you can be with dogs when you have the time, but won't have to worry about a dog being neglected a home because no one has time to care for it.

  4. Below are House Training, and Crate Training Tips.

    Crate Training


    Try locking her in a kennel or crate, or "doggie safe area" for a few minutes, while you go do something. Make sure to do the "Crate Process every time she goes in her crate.

    "Crate Process"

    1. Put Dog in kennel, crate or "doggie safe area"

    2. Give treats and a toy

    3. Leave

    4. When you come back, give her lots of praise, and treats. (Also, use the clicker if you are clicker training)

    Leave her out, of her kennel "doggie safe area"or crate for an hour, then put her in for 30 minutes, Repeating the "Crate Process.(steps 1-3)" Then again, when you come back do step 4.

    Repeat slowly extending the time, and make sure you leave time between kennel times, to spend with your puppy. Never expect your puppy to stay in his kennel longer than the age he is in months plus one. (example, if your puppy is 5 months old, only leave it in there for 6 hours. No dog/puppy should stay in it's kennel longer than 7-8 hours.

    This is what i mean by "doggie safe area".

    If you are going to be gone longer than a few hours, either have a dog sitter come to your house mid-day to walk him, or block off your bathroom, kitchen, hall, or other place with tile or wood floors for her to stay in while you are away. Leave food, water, toys, his kennel or crate, and puppy pads or newspapers(unless you want potty on the floor)

    Let the puppy sleep in his/her crate at night, unless you want an adult large dog sleeping in your bed at night. Even if your dog whimpers in the crate, just ignore her/him until he stops. Do not remove the puppy from the crate when he whimpers, or he will learn that this is how to get out.

    I Really Hope this helped.

    House Training


    First and foremost, do not make the dog smell his mess, strike him or lock him ouside. This will just confuse the pup, and it might be afraid of you.

    I have just got a puppy recently. The way I trained him was crate training. Here's a few tips on crate training and house training:

    1.Try to teach them that their crate is a good place. Reward them when you place them in the crate. This is teaching them, that a treat comes with good crate behavior. Always keep your dog in the crate, unless you can keep a good eye on him.

    2. Another option, if you do not want to place your dog in the kennel all of the time, hook his leash to your belt loop, this way he can not go off and use the restroom somewhere, and you don't know about it.

    3.Always take him outside after;

    + rough play

    +after he eats or drinks

    +after being let out of his crate

    + after he wakes up after a night

    + or if he shows signs of having to use the restroom,(below are those signs)


    *staring at you


    4.Don't ever hit your dog, or rub his nose in his mess. This will just teach the dog to be afraid of you.

    5.Don't feed him or give him to much water, before you plan to put him in his cage.

    6.Don't expect your dog to hold it's restroom, more than the age of the dog in months, plus one. But no dog should have to hold it's bladder more than a 7-8 hours.

    7.Be patient!! That is the key, to housetraining. Of course if you get too overwelmed, you can always buy a book, or ask a professional trainer!

    8.Always, when he goes to the bathroom ouside, give lots of praise and treats!!

    9. If you expect your puppy to go outside, and dont use puppy pads when he gets older, starting out with puppy pads, is not a good idea, because this trains them that it's ok to go inside, and then before they know it, they cant, it is to confusing for them.

    10. Make sure to have a schedule, there is one below.


    7:00 a.m.: Puppy bathroom break. Take your puppy out as soon as he wakes up.

    7:30 a.m.: Breakfast.

    8:00 a.m.: Puppy bathroom break. Puppies usually need a bathroom break between 15 and 30 minutes after eating.

    8:15 a.m.: Five-minute training session. Keep it short and fun! Practice what you learned in puppy socialization class, or follow instructions from a puppy training book.

    8:20 a.m.: Treat and playtime! Always reward training sessions with a small healthy treat and some fun time together.

    8:30 a.m.: Grooming time. Even if your puppy doesn’t really need grooming yet, get him used to gentle brushing, clipping off the tips of one or two nails, and gently washing his face. This will make more difficult grooming easier later on, and will also get your puppy used to handling. Your vet and groomer will appreciate it.

    8:45 a.m.: Puppy bathroom break. Puppies often need a bathroom break after a treat and also after vigorous play.

    9:00 a.m.: Nap time. Even puppies need rest, giving you time to go to work or even rest yourself!

    12:00 noon: Puppy bathroom break. Puppies need a bathroom break whenever they wake up. If you work, come home mid-day or hire a pet sitter for this important job.

    12:15 p.m.: Lunch. After about 16 weeks, you can eliminate the mid-day meal, but yo

  5. Alot of time goes into caring for and creating a happy animal.It doesn't sound like alot of thought went into this "gift"

    Hopefully your parents can take the pup to work with them.

    they are pack animals & you people are the pack.

    Crating or leaving an animal alone basically all day long during a crucial growing time is not the ideal situation.

    If you & family really don't have the time to care for it, consider placing into the perfect home.You can also look into doggie day care for your pet to interact in with others.

  6. So how busy a schedule does your dog have?  

  7. it is a great responsibility to have a pet if you don't have time at this time of your life then wait tell you do.

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