My five year old daughter has gotten to be a smart mouth, and very disrespectful. I told her she could not do something today, and she threw glass down and told me to shut up. Right then, my husband took her to her room and spanked her hiney. After the spanking she threw a fit, to protest the spanking she had just got. We let her throw the fit for a little bit, then my husband told her to stop. She told him to shut up then. So again, she got another smaller spanking. She calmed down after that. Is spanking a good way to handle it? It breaks
our hearts, but it works. We have noticed since she knows we are serious about spanking, her mouth has gotten better. Are we doing ok aor are not? My two older ones, never were as bad. Just a mention of spanking got them to straighten up, with Brenna you have to do it.