
How to handle a whiny child?

by Guest58891  |  earlier

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I know a child who screams for his mommy ALL the time. I feel bad for her. They live with me so I kind of have to live with it right now. He even screams when he isn't getting his way when playing video games. Is there something I can do to help this issue? Oh and he is 8.




  1. when he screams then take his games away and keep them until he stops don't give in to him he.s to old to be doing this s when he screams take some thing more away

  2. He is 8. He needs to stop. Is he starved for attention? Make sure the parents are giving him attention outside of when he yells for it. If they make a point to spend time with JUST him, quality time.. he will cut it out.

  3. Ear plugs for you and Tabasco for him. Worked for my screaming and swearing ones. One drop does fine from your finger. You can't control the amount from the bottle direct into mouth.

  4. My nephew is the same way, he is 7 (3 months older than my son) and whines and cries at the drop of a hat. I cant stand it. I have noticed my sister gives in everytime he cries or whines for something. He talks like a baby too, like calling water wa-wa and stuff like that. I blame it on the parents and the way they give into everything he wants when he should be put in time out or have something he values taken away.

  5. My son is six, and when he gets whiny I tell him "I don't talk to whiners" As long as he keeps whining I will not respond to him, and as soon as he drops the tone I answer him.

  6. DON'T give in to whining!!! It won't take long to stop if you hold firm!

  7. hit it

  8. ugh my child is 5 and all he does it whine, it drives me nuts.. i always hope he will grow out of it and i hope to god it isnt continuing at 8! thats crazy!  When he is having his routine whinny moments, i try to calmly talk to him but i let him know it upsets me and is not going to get him anywhere or anything.  I NEVER give into the whining and when it gets to severe or out of hand I let him whine away in the corner.  Just be patient with him but let him know you are the boss not him, let him know he can whine and cry his little heart out and its still not going to change the sittuation.  Usually letting them know its upsetting you and not going to get him anything will calm them down..   good luck

  9. It sounds like you're not the legal caregiver, so you do have a problem...with whoever IS in charge of the child's discipline. You need to have a mature talk with her. If you have kids, point out what a bad example of behavior her child is demonstrating and it's affecting your own children, and what a poor job of disciplining him she/he/they are doing with their child. Give them ultimatums, ("Shape up, and shape the 8-year old up or leave")

    This works:

    Never slap a child in the face!

    Nature provided a better place!

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