
How to handle customers when key employee quits?

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One of our key technical salesperson quit - he has less than 2 weeks. He was heavily entrenched with customer service - most of our customers have spoken to him several times regarding the technical specifications of our products. He's been with us 12 years and has an excellent relationship with all our customers.

He is NOT going to work for a competitor and we are confident he will leave on excellent terms. How do we tell our customers he is leaving? He will be replaced, but it will be awhile before the new person is fully trained. Should we let him start telling people now or wait until he leaves?




  1. when he is gone.

  2. The best advice is to get the news out quickly, your customers will appreciate the warning.  Some of your customers may have some things they need from him, but are waiting because they are too busy to deal with it, and then he will be gone.

  3. Val

    You need to break the news about this as soon as possible. Your customers need to be assure that although your expert is leaving their technical concerns will be handled in a prompt professional manner. You probably want to have a very through debrief before your expert leaves.

  4. You might want him to sign a non compete form to insure yourself he does not take your existing customers away. The best way to do it, is to have him do some conference calls with the person who will be replacing him. That way the customer feel confident in his replacement.

    Customers will more likely goto a company where a they are appreciated by the sales person.  All caompnaies offer the same stuff within specific industries, it is the level of service that really gets customer to stay where they are.

  5. Nothing wrong with letting him telling people that he is moving along.. I have allowed some of my tech staff to say this to people.. After all they build a relationship with your clients so being upfront will make them feel better.

    I would also tell them yourself as well (maybe email or something). Assure them that they will still get the same CS as b4... Speak highly of the past employee that is leaving for bigger or better things or is just maybe hitting retirment??

    I think you will be just fine..

    Best of luck as I know first hand how hard it is to replace a person that has great CS skills..

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