
How to handle ignorance in another country (USA)??

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My sister is staying in America for 5 weeks (we are Australian) and she is being asked the most ridiculous questions about our country. She is getting fed up and angry and doesnt know how to stop people from asking stupid questions..what to do thats appropriate in the States?

(example of questions: do you have milk, do you have stores near your house, do Aussies have txt messaging yet? etc)




  1. It's common for people of a different country and culture to be curious. Stupid as the questions may be, they're curious. The first time I ever spoke to a gentleman from south africa, I asked many of the same questions. He found me more curious and eager than annoying.

    Just tell her to deal with it. If she doesn't like it, she can easily come home. Or, she can just say she isn't from Austrailia, it's just a natural accent.

  2. does america have milk and text messaging too?,,, omg,, i wouldnt have known that, [jokes]

    i cant beleive people think we r that behind!,, tell her to tell them we have freaking around 4 shopping centres in every suburb,, we have too many stores here, lol,, id say that america and australia are pretty much the same in living and if i know that,, everyone should,,lol xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. get out.  that will take care of her problem

  4. Tell them to stop acting like a Bush.  That's the greatest insult, Americans' Achilles heel.

  5. I cant believe people ask those questions do they think were all hicks or something. Ive had a few bad questions from americans but i thought it was only a minority that where like that. But the questions i got were more like "why dont you ever see koalas on the harbour bridge?" and "do you alll ride around in kangaroos pouches?" my answers were "My dads a sweeper he sweeps koalas off the harbour bridge" and "yeh we have Kangaroo races instead of horse races" the funny bit is they believed me. So maybe if she makes em look stupid they will realise and eventually stop.

  6. Walk away, If the American's your sister is seeing are that knaive and so far behind in common sense then she should just walk away, I mean come on those questions are stupid, Pure and utter IGNORANCE, and the member here known as -

    Flatulous The Great

    Is a classic example of such ignorance. Seriously get a clue, who are you to say those things, when it's known everywhere how shocking the crime rates are there, heck the amount of telly shows based on life over there is ALL crime, crime, crime. So yeah ok go ahead and judge us Aussies, You're the one that is sadly missing out on such a fantastic lifestyle over here. THANK GOODNESS NOT all Americans are so judgemental like you.. Just wow, insults are given from a member purely asking for advice in what to do appropriately with rude Americans (they never said all americans were like that, just the ones they've come in contact with)...

  7. i have been to 28 country's in my life time..i have been asked allot of stupid and ignorant quesions..i have also been insulted because i was from another dont call Americans ignorant because of a few innocent kangaroos really box...???

  8. haha tell her to say to them to pull there head in

  9. No one is seriously that stupid. Stop trying to make the US look bad, we know you have stores and milk and text messaging in other countries, they probably are just curious as to whether you live in a city or out in the outback is all.

  10. it's part of learning another culture. besides, do you mean to tell me that there aren't misconceptions that people around the world have about the USA? most people around the world think that america's inhabitants are all the children of immigrants who get here via Ellis Island in 1900. That's only about 1/3 of the population's story. The other 2/3 had a different experience, but that's another story....anyway, just chill out, it's part of the learning process. it's only ignorance if it's disrespectful. besides, i have been to other countries where they don't have refridgerated milk and perhaps that is what the american folks were driving at.....lighten up! :-)

  11. laugh about it and say "I come from a land down under"  And say no really this is how it is.  Sorry we are dumb and don't get out much.  

  12. wow, sorry for such a bad reaction from people. You have to remember that Americans know very little outside of their own country, so all they have is Australian movies to go on such as Croc Dundee etc...

    I don't think there is too much for her to do but answer the questions and hopefully educate those that are really so ignorant of Australia ( I mean, they think they are the greatest country when we know Australia is lol). It is only for a few weeks.

  13. Just be patient and kind and answer the questions politely, unless you think you're really getting your leg pulled, where you can respond in kind.  Once they get to know you and understand that Australians are just like them, they'll stop asking what you think are dumb questions.

    And always remember it works both ways too.  I was in a food hall in Australia one time when an American tourist asked the salesperson there could she find the washroom.  The salesperson thought she was asking about where the laundry was, and the American didn't understand the Australian didn't know what she was talking about (so I helped out).  Another time, on my first (of many) trips to the USA I asked a lady in a burger shop (which I won't name) if I could have a white coffee.  The (coloured) lady got visibly angry with me, and I didn't understand what was the problem so I asked for a white coffee again, a little louder this time, ever so politely, even with a "please".  She got angrier.  I then asked for a coffee with milk & sugar, and she understood what I wanted then but practically threw the coffee at me and said "the fixin's are over there".  I didn't know what fixings were, but looking to where she pointed helped me find the "cream" and sugar and stirrers.

    So misunderstandings occur both ways.  Try to understand that there will be differences in cultures and speech and other sensitivities that you won't know about until you trip over them.   Always treat them the way you want to be treated, politely and respectfully, and hopefully you can iron out the differences with little pain, and maybe even make a few friends - it's worth the effort

  14. Come on mate; tell her to get over it and be a fair dinkum ambassador for Aussie.

    Aussies are just as bad when it comes to asking questions about New Zealand, half of them don't know where the capital is and the other half don't know that New Zealand was the first country to give sheilas (women) the vote. Now, back to the Yanks, your sister should be pleased that they're friendly enough to want to talk to her and to learn about our great country.

    The Yanks can't help it if they don't get taught about Australia at school. I had one ask me if we celebrate Christmas once.

    It's our own fault for letting Paul Hogan loose on them.

  15. I completley understand where you are coming from. I am from Canada and am asked constantly if i live in an igloo, drive a dogsled or have snow all year round.

    To answer those questions no, i live in a house, i drive a grand am GT and only have snow apprx 5-7 months a year depending.

    But people are always going to have stupid questions, no matter where you go. Its curiousity. Most people will never have the chance to see your beautiful country.

    All your sister can do is satisfy their curiousity and tell them that it is a ridiculous question. Best of luck.

  16. i can understand her frustration. i am an american (born and raised here) and i know that we are very curious people. Also we are very straight forward. I have had people from other countries tell me that americans are the most frank and noisy people in the world and i believe that's true for the most part.

    Tell your sister that we don't mean to annoy her and i she doesn't want to answer a question she can say no. Most likely it wont be a big deal.

    Tell her to just tell people she doesnt feel like spending all her time answering questions she doesnt feel are appropriate.  

  17. Judging by some of the answers on here, I wouldn't have even went. Some can't even read.

    I talk to a few people from the US and they are great. Unfortunately your sister isn't seeing them.

    There are people like this everywhere. Even right here at home. I went on a business trip to Sydney a few years ago, and happened to be out with Andrew one night. When they found out we were from Tassie, I was asked if Tassie Devils really destroyed houses, like Taz.

    I mean seriously, come on - These people were from NSW.

    Tell her to grin and bare it for a little longer. I'd make up stories - start telling people our Prime Minister is a Koala, and that we keep milk in the oven, and we swim in a shark infested pool.

    And that we eat off floors, and that we travel a day and night to get to a shop. We don't text message, we climb the nearest pole and yell to the one we want to hear it.

    Then politely get to her to ask if they have added Geography to their school curriculum.

  18. What is her reason for staying for 5 weeks if she finds the people here (in America) so intolerable?

    Perhaps she should just return home where she's comfortable.

  19. That's life Rogue.

    The American education system is very focused on America.  They believe that is their success model.  And good luck to them.

    But let me tell you there are plenty of Aussies who are just as ignorant.  Examples of things I've had said to me by Aussies:

    Capital of NZ is Auckland

    We should shoot the africans who are taking over our country [the ones who make up less that 0.1% of our population that is

    "I can't understand why the US doesn't just use the same time zones as us"

    John Howard is a good bloke who cares for the average Aussie ...

    ... there are ignorant shites everywhere and there's NOTHING we can do about it!!!


  20. ~~It does sound rude, but I think it's natural curiosity because not many of us get a chance to see Australia. However, she can't repeat the same thing all the time. I suggest she starts asking questions back about what America is like since she is here now and is our guest. People love to talk about themselves and their lives, so I think she can control the conversation very quickly and at least get rid of the repetitive and not so bright questions. Only other thing is to bluntly tell people it is much like over here, it isn't;t a barbaric country in any way. Whatever works, she needs to be able to enjoy her vacation!~~

  21. hi all.

    i just wanted to add that a koala is not a bear.

    It is a marsupial.

    thankyou. that is all

  22. I have a friend who worked as a teacher in the US, and had the high school kids saying very similar things you mention on a daily basis. The one that really takes the cake are the many  Wow, you speak really good English! comments (thinking we spoke another language)

    I have been told by friends who traveled allot in America that because it is SUCH a vast & differing country they could understand why they seem so wrapped up in themselves and uninterested in anything else. Also, our TV shows are rather diverse, with a good mix of UK, Australian and American broadcasts, but for them there is so much of their own stuff to view they aren't getting that additional cultural exposure like us (even though we are limited).

    As to handle their ignorance - well I pity them. Their ignorance of other countries is what keeps them saying they are the best country! lol   Poor things- they have there heads in the sand. How sad.

  23. Idk the answer to your question but you go girl show em what we made of and how we don't no **** from anybody!!!

    Good luck to your sister xo

  24. We should send the boys from The Chaser in to ask a few of their own questions.

  25. Sunshine -  I live in the outback and there is still milk and stores and text messaging here also, not just in the cities....

    It would probably annoy me if I were being asked those questions too, but you know what, they live in America so that is why they don't know. The reason I know what's in America is because so much TV comes from there, if you asked me about other countries I wouldnt have a clue for a lot of them

  26. I have an arsenal of smatass answers in my mind waiting for my next victim. Just have fun with people by messing with them. People always ask me if I die my hair. I always say, "yes with loreal 9RB" My hair is natural red. I tell people I'm a girl when I'm oviousely a guy with long hair..........So don't get mad at people have fun with them

  27. The first time I went to the US I was asked if we had electricity in Scotland and if I lived in a castle and had sheep, lol.  

  28. Hhahahahahaha.....I'm sorry!

    At the dinner table we always talk about random stuff.We are always talking about how all the other countries fight and then Australia is so kewll and laid back!Hmmmmm people here tend to be iggnorant and not think before they speak so they are just being rude.Just try your hardest to ignore them!

    ~best of luck!


  29. Ok...listen.  I am from America.  I have had people from other countries ask me the most stupid questions too.  People have different senses of humor and tolerance and culture and levels of knowledge.  Try being a little tolerant and tell your sister to just be patient and kinder than she is being now.  

    You are pretty brazen there to call us stupid because someone asks questions.  They want to learn about you and your country and you complaining makes it difficult.

    MAYBE THEY DO NOT KNOW...  You do have different things than we do and your government is different and you have summer when we have winter and many other different things.  Most people are not aware of that.  Because some things your country does and have doesn't mean we have to KNOW them what is wrong with asking?

    maybe your sister should just be kind and tolerant and answer them and say yes....our country is much like yours except we have kangaroos !

    She is not being called names or ridiculed.  It is people like you who are very intolerant of others that you complain ...but when you ASK questions it is ok.  

    By the way...what is appropriate in the US is the same thing that is appropriate in Australia.  You don't see us making fun of you do you?  If she is so unhappy ..tell her to come home then.  Good Grief....and they say American's are ugly!

    Why can you insult us and we can't say anything?

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