My daughter who is studying in chinese primary school is being so rude,irresponsible and showing temper tantrums each times i advise her and asked her to respect parents.In overall, she is the slowest child i guess everything that she does is in slow dreaming too much, complaint from school teacher, and tuition teacher. Eating each meal take an hour to complete ,even a cup of milk with 1 slice bread she take an hour that also i must hold cane otherwise she will create a drama to finish up food.. Very skinny cause she is such a pick eater. in school teacher is complaining to me everyday that she is the only one in the class take such a long time to finish up copying from blackboard. Eye sight is ok because i brought her to eye specialist and checked.I'm suffering since she started 4 yrs kindergarten. Memory very poor. Basically , she lose things everday in school.Teacher saying that she is very careless. If this go on ,it's gonna be very unhealthy .I'm sick and tired.