
How to handle my traffic ticket ?

by  |  earlier

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I got my first ticket while driving in NJ for not yielding to pedestrians (looks like 2 points + fine). I was on the business trip after that and didn't have time to think how to handle this before my first court appearance. I pleaded "no guilty" to figure out what are my options and they set me a new date for the trial. I have the following questions:

1) Does it make sense to hire a lawyer and try to change it to no point charge? How much does it cost?

2) What are the typical court fees? Can I negotiate my plea with the prosecutor before the court date?

3) Does it make sense to take safe driving courses now and present it to the judge? Would it help to reduce my charge?




  1. 1. If you hire an attorney, figure $400/hr

    2. Your fine should be $54.  See pg 3, this link:

    3. Do not take any remedial courses until you are advised by the court

  2. Take the safe driving class if the judge will give it to you but you will still have to pay the fine and the court fees can be $50.00 dollars and up.

    Since this was your first ticket you should be fine with the judge...

  3. there are tips on how to handle this in ebooks. Look on ebay for 'traffic ticket' or 'speeding' - this will show you what is available - the information will be a bargain at the price

  4. I got into an accident in Jersey last year, the idiot in front of me had no brake lights and slammed his breaks right as I was checking my blind spot.  Anyways that has nothing to do with your question.  If you call up the court and tell them why you can’t be present they should allow you to testify via affidavit.  That’s what I did.  You can explain exactly what happened, but make sure when you write it out you are as detailed as possible.  I lost my case because I wasn’t detailed enough.  BUt a lawyer is not needed to represent you if you chose to go that route.  And I was never asked about court fees, although the other driver is now suing my insurance company .  Good Luck!

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