
How to handle noisy neighbor in the morning?

by Guest61033  |  earlier

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I am currently in a residential neighborhood that's been pretty quiet. Recently, though, one of the neighbors (we're back to back so I'm not completely sure where the noise is coming from) has either the TV or radio on in the mornings--think around 7-8:30 AM.

It sounds like a Mandarin news or talk show. The volume is LOUD: I can hear it through my closed window. I think this person has the window or doors open perhaps while getting ready for the day or to perhaps to hear over the noise of the household or cooking or something.

It's really obnoxious, but I don't want to go outside and start screaming at them to shut up. I was thinking of writing an anonymous letter, but I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions.




  1. Just go over there and very nicely explain it to him. He might not realize that other people can hear it.  

  2. Just file a noise compliant.

  3. You may want to go over to him and ask if he can turn it down some.  If he says no then use the letter idea.  

  4. Try to meet with your neighbor.  Then, try to slip it in your conversation.  Or, on one of those mornings, just stop over and let them know they are waking the neighborhood.  We have always had the unwritten rule that people can be noisy between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.  Later in weekends.

  5. Just be glad it's only one.

    Where i live pretty much everyone has some sort of building project going on, so it's machine noises all day long until 5:00, and even then you get the odd DIY fellow who works late into the evening.

    Then there's the loud kid who runs back and forth past my front window every five minutes because he's all excited about hanging out with girls and doesn't realise the difference between guys and girls yet.

    Really, i'd take a single mandarin news show played at a loud volume anyday over a constant flow of noise.

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