I have been friends with this person since we were 16 yo. on and off. We are now adults. I have married and had children. She remains single and has no children. She has alot of free time on her hand and I am trying to figure out how to juggle remaining friends and getting her to understand that we are not teens anymore. Ex. She likes going to church with me, but depends on me to pick her up. She refuses to go if I cannot go or pick her up. She asked the other day if I was going this sunday and I responded that I would not likely go, because my hubby and I were celebrating our 7th anniversary and he took off work to spend time with me. She proceed to mumble groan and stated that she would not go if she could not attend with her friend. I told her that she did not need me to go with her all the time and not to miss out just because I wasn't going. She also asked what I would be doing after I left class at 8pm, I told her I was going home to spend time with the kids before they went to bed, she started mumbling about that and stated that she hardly ever gets to see her friend or hang out because I am always busy. Am I being rude for not trying to make time for her. Its hard juggling kids, husband and career. I barely can get time for myself. She is 33 and is always trying to make me feel bad if I state that I can't hang out because I will be with the kids or hubby. Help and please advise. How can I get her to see that we have different paths now.