Normally adults seem to understand it’s rude to walk up to someone and say “You’re fat†or “You look like h**l,†but that social convention seems easily ignored when a pregnant woman is the subject. Several of my co-workers have made obnoxious comments that I just don’t know how to respond to. I'm in my 15th week so I have many months left to put up with this c**p.
One day I was told I didn’t look pregnant and the very next someone said I was getting a pudge ( I HATE that word!!). Just a few minutes ago, someone told me my face was fat. Not full, FAT! That’s not exactly a word I need to hear at a time when I’m not in love with my body. I work with a woman who insists on calling every pregnant woman she sees “Waddlesworth.†She’s already told me she’ll bestow the moniker on me when I begin to waddle. WTF??
So why is it ok to comment on the appearance of a pregnant woman when any other time in life it’s not socially acceptable and how can I respond to such comments in a way that says “Hey that was obnoxious†without being rude myself?