
How to handle siblings' fighting(about 10 yrs old)?

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How to handle siblings' fighting(about 10 yrs old)?




  1. Yeah, siblings do this. Me and my sister were soooo awful.

    1. Separate them once the fighting breaks out - they will probably start missing each other if they get sent to their rooms, if not, at least they will be quiet!

    2. Be fair - sometimes they need to sort it out from themselves, but since parental word is law at 10, you should be able to stop a lot of fights just by pronouncing judgement - always listen to both sides first, however stressed you are.

    3. Adopt a zero tolerance policy for physical violence. The worst hiding I ever got was for biting my sister.

    4. Give them things to do together that they will enjoy, but that they are only allowed to do/have if they are behaving themselves. Eg they can play the playstation, but as soon as they fight it gets taken away.

    5. Remember they will not be 10 forever and take deeeeeep breaths. :P

    Good luck!

  2. I used to give my kids  - 1 boy, 1 girl - 1 year apart = jobs to do together, games to play where they had to work as a team to get a prize, I called it "Buddie up". . .they were soon helping each other with homework, jobs, and not even realizing it.. . I think they fight because one is afraid the other will get more attention from you . . .the biggest piece of the pie . . .Try to distract them as soon as you see a problem arising . . .I had a whistle I would blow . . .I told them that if they ever heard that whistle, come running, mom needs help. . .I'd have them help open a jar, or get something off the floor, under the table where i couldn't reach. . .soon they were back to playing and the fight diverted.. .hope these suggestions help . . Good luck on finding peace...

  3. yell

  4. When they start yelling at one another make them stand in the back yard and yell nice things at one another. Things like I love you, you're the best brother/sister I have, etc. Let them know that they can have disagreements but that they need to learn how to work them out peaceably.

  5. spank um

  6. I never step in until my children can sort thing out. But sometimes when mommy's judgment is needed, they always get  the same time-out. The thing works well with my children with the reason I give them that they're siblings, so if they cannot be nice to each other, they both deserve equal time-out no matter who is right or wrong. It is not because I don't want to find out, but I think it can teach them that they'd rather be good to each other.

  7. Well, me and my sis fight constantly, and in the end we always get over it. It's just kids, they have to have a moan, if you looked hard enough, you'd realise they only actualy do it to mirror adults, who they look up to. When you and your partner fight, your kids are probably gonna fight with each other in the same way. No harm can be done really, try to keep them happy, but don't spoil them, leave them to it, they can sort it out themselves

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