
How to handle subordinates becoming boss of peers?

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How to handle subordinates becoming boss of peers?




  1. This a very tricky one, remember they were probably your friends before you got promoted, I used to tell them if they had any grievances they could come to me at any time and I would listen to them and do the best I could to help them, you can be a friend and a boss too, dont be too hard of them, but have a friendly chat, and say that just do you job to the best of your ability and we wont have any problems, worked for me, they did their best and if they were having an off day, just tell them that you understand, and can you help, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, hope this helps, goodluck! :)

  2. You need to clarify this question. We cannot read your mind.

  3. I'm not sure if this is a viable option, but you might want to try employee empowerment.  Give them all specific duties and responsibilities that don't exactly correlate with the others.

  4. Good question. You can not let this happen, it actually undermines your authority.

    Say A is bossing B.  Try to understand why they are doing this,

    bored, trying to show leadership, bossing others to avoid doing own work, just like to manage others, do not respect your leadership so think they have to take charge, getting mixed message from your manager.

    Meet with A, ask them if there is some reason they are focused on B? Clearly state they need to focus on their own work and if they have a question/comment about B to speak with you.

    Over the next week make sure you have at least three critical comments on their work, taking long lunch, making personal phone call, etc.

    Then when they boss B, you can say, your were late on this day, this task was not done right, etc, so why are you worried about B.

    If it happens again you will have to write them up.


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