
How to handle this? Pt.2 Ladies need ur help on this?

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Mon/Wednesdays I have humanities and there this girl I decided to talk, She's really cute and intelligent, so after class last week I told her " I like the way you think" she gave me the same complement. Along with saying " We should be friends". Forward to this week, We're walking after class and talking when she says that on Monday she's come to class 5mins earlier so she can sit next to me in the back of the class, like 15 mins later we sit and talk and I find out some things about her, She's and Aquarius(Feb 15) and Im a Capricorn( Jan 17th), we both like Basketball, taste in music is about the same and she doesn't have a boyfriend.

So here's the questions ladies ten points to most helpful answers:

1) How do I handle her wanting to sit next to me in the back of class?

2) Aquarius & Capricorn what's ur opinion on that?

3) Could her wanting to sit in the back with me have a meaning?

4) How I should try looking( Appearance wise) on those days when I have class with her?




  1. basically... you both REALLY like each other dont you :P

    and you wanna impress each other...

    dont know much about a guys style...

    but i love it when my bf smells like a nice perfume...

    so smell nice when you sit next to her... an if you dont want to then...

    just make sure you dont smell of sweat

    and sometimes the interaction between cap (male)

    and aires (female) is so hot...

    Both sides can definitely sense it...

    Then, it can cool, just like that, both sides sense it too...

    IF each side tries and it seems they often do..

    it fires up again-red hot...

    Capricorn males will still hold back..

    Aries females will still hope for their move...

    Someone has to... but which one will...?

    A lot of potential with these 2 signs and if they ever click...

    and stick with it... HOLY MOLEY

    so good luck with what ever happens between you lot :P


  2. 1. handle it by acking normally around her - se obviously wants to get to know u more so she must liek you fro who you are - so don't change!

    2. Aquarious and Capricorn - doesn't mean anything to me. If i liked a guy then i wouldn't care. i no some ppl say that certain star sign attract but i just think its down to personality

    3. her wanting to sit with you..... um.... she likes you? Obv! she's really into u..... i can tell by the compliments and stuff

    4. don't change ur looks drastically - just change things subtly like gel ur hair differently or something - if she likes that change then she say sonmething like "i like your hair today!" - trust me us girls aren't so deep that we look into meaning for you changing ur hair or something and we don't say that we don't like something when we do.

    Basically - just be yourslef because no girl wants a fake whois trying 2 b some1 else.... because somehow we can always tell!

  3. I think you guys have crushes on each other!!! Not just you..I'm sure she likes u back.


    1. Be your self..U can try to impress her but don't over due it..

    2. I dont really thing the signs mean a thing..You like her and i think she likes u..

    3. Yes..Her wanting to sit next to you is a flirt kinda way..She is comfertable around you..But sitting in the back might not have a meaning..But just to talk a bit with out getting caught..

    4. Lookin good for her isn't a bad thing..But don't get rude or anything.Dont cahge your personality..That is a major turn off for me..Just kinda let her know ur looking good for her..

       I hope i helped some!!

  4. first of all dont change who you are. she apparently likes you the way you are now. if she wants to sit with you its because she really likes you. about the horoscope thing well i dont believe that means anything.just relax and be the person you have been try flirting with her just a little bit to see if she is truly interested in you

  5. Totally be YOURSELF. The worst thing for a person to find out is your fake & trying to be something your not. So far it seems like she likes you for who you are. So don't change that. I wouldn't go off of zodiac signs...don't have much to say about that. She obviously thinks your a nice person, & for her to go out of her way to sit with you is a sign in itself. So take things two should be study partners, that would benefit the both of you in your schooling & possible pursuing some time of relationship. Goodluck!

  6. 1.) You should handle it the way you have been doing. it seems she like you for you so keep handling it the way you urself.

    2.) When Capricoorn and Aquarius are together, you guys seem to bring out the possitive attributes in one another.When you guys come together you form an unbreakuble bond.You guys bring out the best in eachother. Isnt that awsome?

    3.) It deffinately has a meaning. You should so take it in a positive way and love it. She WANTS to sit by you. She is going to class early just to sit with you. The meaning is that she LIKE YOU for YOU.

    4.) Keep dressing the way you are. She obviously likes it already. Dont change a thing. Like I seems like she likes you for you. Be one else k?

  7. Sounds like she likes you, her wanting to sit in the back with you means she wants to talk to you more, dress and be like you normally would, don't change who you are, just be yourself. Ask her out!

    Good luck!

  8. 1.) Enjoy it. Maybe save her a seat...if shes not on time. I think eventually those will be your seats. I remember in one of my college classes there was me and a few guys who always sat together in the back. It just naturally works like that. People around you will like their seats too. It's hard to splain but you will see it while it happens.

    2.) I follow my horoscope. it's usually right. the timing is insane and everything on them. I never got into the whole relationship aspect of it. i'm sure it could be good if you two let it.

    3.) it probably does. maybe she just wants to be friends...or maybe more. only time will tell. just be yourself and enjoy this. don't force anything. if you really like her..just friends should be good enough. you can make a move...but i wouldn't do anything too fast.

    4.) like yourself. DONT CHANGE FOR ANYONE. if you want to update your apperance a bit...some cologne or something little like that...go for it.


  9. 1: Let Her Sit Beside You This Way You Can Get To Know Each Other Better.

    2:Both Capricorn and Aquarius can be opinionated to the point of seeming unwilling to compromise. Capricorn thrives on organization and is always looking for consequences. Aquarius is modern and finds routine troublesome and boring. Capricorn will find wonder in Aquarius, but may get frustrated trying to find a stitch of logic in their partner's desultory, mystical mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the domineering streak in their partner, but will find the solid base that Capricorn provides to be a great support and will be relieved that someone will help them to take care of their personal matters.

    3:Yes She Wants To Spend Time With You, And Also At The Back Of The Class She Would Have Youre Full Attention.

    4:Smell Nice If Youre Going To Be Close To Her, But Mostly Just Be Yourself Because Obv She Already Likes You The Way You Are Dont Try Too Hard.

    Goog Luck Hope This Helped! =]

  10. wOW! Sounds like you are sprung already!  In answer to your questions: 1) Stop sitting in the back.  I'm a teacher, I like students who sit in the front.  Sitting in the back will cause you to talk and not pay attention.  You don't want any girl jeopardizing your edcuation. 2) I don't bank relationships or friendships completely on signs.  You can Google this for yourself and see what "they" say about stars.  Personally, I would not waste my time using this as a way to secure a relationship with someone. 3) There is nothing to read into sitting in the back other than, it will give you more of an excuse to talk, write notes, etc. and not pay attention. 4) However she saw you the first day.  Don't go changing who you are, how you dress for the sake of a woman.  Now, I'm not saying that dressing nice, and smelling good won't make you more appealing, but if she likes you - then just the way you are should be good enough.  It's okay every now and then to spruce up, but don't go overboard.  

    Good luck.  You are worrying way too much about this.  Take it slow and take time to get to know this girl., talk, talk, really take time.  Then ask her to share coffee or some ice cream.  

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