
How to handle this feminist at my employment?

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this is not a rant against women, but this one in particular won't settle for anything less then us agreeing with everything she says. A typical conversation would be "oh, men find miss america fascinating because it objectifies women"... blah blah blah i just tune out and it's like nobody asked you for your opinion on gender inequality. everyday is a struggle not to blow my friggin brains out. is she just putting on a front, and deep down really self conciese?




  1. Answer her questions if you can. Now you know what all this male whining sounds like on here. If John S. thinks he could keep me in my place with asinine macho threats he would have another think coming. Most of your answerers sound every bit as obnoxious as she does.

  2. She's a narrow minded moron... like a lot of "feminists". They think they are right about EVERYTHING and reject anything that goes against their own personal "mind set" .. no matter how logical it may be.

    She is not worthy of respect in my book. So... how should you deal with her? Its simple.. DON'T deal with her!

  3. You can quit.

  4. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with one of those women on a daily basis. My advise would be to bring it to a superiors attention.

    If you dared to crack a joke she deemed sexist, you better believe she'd report you in a New York minute. You have rights and shouldn't have to work in a hostile environment. I wish ALL men would start fighting back in these situations and knock feminists down a peg or two.

  5. A feminist, huh?

    That’s just another person who has too much time.

    So exactly what stops you from being a menist? You know the kind; the guy who wonder’s just why do women get to have their own specialist? They have gyno’s who have a nice comfortable padded examination tables where the women get to kick up and rest their poor tired feet. They also have a doctor who has a nice personality while he or she examines down there.

    Whereas men have, “OK, drop your pants and bend over.”

    Where is the justice there?

    And just why are women “excused” during that time of the month for five days?

    What about our five days of talk back and general I don’t feel too good today boss. Mind if I lay down in the men’s room on the nice padded bed?  Oh, that’s right, we don’t have one of those.

    So when Ms. Fem complains, just remind her, “Hey babe, just remember, us dudes gave you broads the right to vote. And if you push me too far, I’ll personally see to it that it will be taken away.”

  6. Try to get at a higher position, and then fire her l***o a s s.

  7. Maybe you could sit down and talk to her, ask if there's anything she'd like to change. Try to work out a compromise, and suggest (very gently, so she doesn't get angry) that she try to rant a bit less.

  8. Don't talk to that person about non work related stuff. If she continues report her for sexual harassment to HR.

    Record each time it happens and what is said. See a therapist also.


    That way you have another record of the harassment.


    You should never have to leave a job because of sexual harassment.

    After you have a pile of evidence if HR refuses to do anything sue them for sexual harassment/hostile work environment.

    P.S Ignore the rants from feminists trying to protect there claim in the hostile work environment/victims of sexual harassment department.


    I am sorry to say then you will have to deal with it. That or pull her to the side and tell her how you feel about her sexist comments.

  9. So, why DO boys get the the first pick and why does it make you feel so unbalanced when someone challenges sexual discriminations?  How exactly are guys to learn how to be more civilized and mature toward women if people don't clearly bring sexism to light when it occurs?  What I think bothers some more ego-fragile men is having to hear it soooo much.  Well, duh, then focus on reducing how often sexism against women occurs.  It simply isn't going to work anymore, that little ploy men played of, "You better shut up female or , or, or, I'll knock your teeth down your throat."  I hear that here on this site frequently.  Being "annoyed" and getting emotionally unbalanced over having sexism brought to your attention suggests some cognitive dissonance between your little head and your big head.

  10. Regrettably there is nothing you can do.  Feminism and its ideology has ensured that you remain censored in thought and speech lest you will be terminated.  Feminists determine recruitment, hiring and administrative pracices in the West.  There is frankly no recourse but to submit to the power of feminism to emasculate you and to lead to your suppression of thought, free speech, expression and so forth in the workplace.

  11. You have my sympathy! I have worked with women like this and its all you can do not to bite your tongue off. Just pray she gets pregnant (somehow) and ditches her job.

  12. Just ignore her.

  13. Uh, the problem isn't her feminism, but that she goes on and on about her beliefs, when no one wants to hear it.

    As for play, there is no reason girls shouldn't be allowed to do whatver they want, or be excluded from being team captain.

    Tuning out is one solution.

    Or try to focus her attention on your actual jobs.

    You can't control other people. At most, you could ask her not to share her views with you about things irrelevant to work.

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