Okay, Can someone give me any suggestions? This is sort of a repeated question, minus the mother in law!
My husband (Pete) and I have been bickering lately. Mostly about spending more time with his friend (Ross) than with me. He invites his friend to run errands or watch movies with us. Pete will often change plans to include Ross.
Ross has depression, lower IQ, but over-all a nice person. If Pete asks him to come over, he will. I don't have a problem with Ross directly.
I have a problem with Pete constantly inviting him during all of his free time and not telling me until Ross shows up. Pete won't spend time with me unless we are doing something, but he will sit with Ross and just talk for hours.
Pete has been doing better about balancing his time and compromising. But many times he changes the plans around, which affects me and my time with him. We are working on compromising & communicating more effectively.
I have talked to Pete and told Ross what's going on.
I've been leaving the house if Ross is over for a few hours and try to find something else to do. But I rather be home after work to relax.
Do you have any suggtions on what else I can do?