
How to handle two women fighting?

by Guest62227  |  earlier

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I once worked at a place where two women hit bad days at the same time. They were nearly yelling when I approached. I was not in a position of direct authority, but I could be considered a lead for the shift. I was young and inexperienced with women at all. These two were both red faced and balling their fists, getting ready (you know what I mean).

Luckily they both backed down as soon as I got there, but refused to talk to each other the rest of the night. Unfortunately one of them was in a position over the other and was cruel to her going forward.

If this had escalated what should I have done? They both had large responsibilities and I could not tell them to just go home, and they work directly with each other though within different sections of the same building. This was a manufacturing facility, so I could not just stop production to handle this either; though I would have if this did escalate. Lastly, this was on graveyard so it was just me for several hours.




  1. Man on man or woman on woman, unless you've got a .45.  Stay away.

    Otherwise you'll be like in my high school days when a sub got straight knocked out.  Quite possibly one of the funniest moments of my high school career.

  2. Jello and admission charges.

  3. Let them kick the sh*t out of each other.

  4. The key here is 'prevention'... I would talk to them together.  (they have to work together, so there must be some moments when they can be civil to one another)... HOWEVER (and this is very important).  let each of them know you are not bringing them together to kiss and make up - nor are you bringing them together to finger point and argue with one another again...

    Tell them the only reason they are together sitting with you is because you find both of them reasonable and intelligent (us women love that!!) and that whatever problems or differences they can not work out and find they must debate about - then they must work with you (right now) to brainstorm better ways of handling their anger and feelings without acting irrational and immature.   The irrational behaviors are distracting and not professional and have no place in a work environment - they are both risking their jobs (if you have the authority to say that) and at the very least they are risking their reputations and causing a stressful work environment for you.. so as a favor to you and the rest of the crew - could they think of other ideas to deal with the bad things that come up -- write it down in front of them (all their ideas)... be enthusiastic about their ideas (you are making them solve the problem themselves) and then type it up and post it for everyone - not using their names (eg: company memo- how to handle disagreements in the workplace)... etc   and email each of them or casually walk by and THANK them for helping YOU (you place the focus back on you) !

    They will in fact be helping themselves and empowering others to help themselves is actually a surefire way to see improvements... dictating and complaining and hoping things change never ever works.

  5. uhm...bring popcorn sit back and watch...and make bets on who will win?

  6. Unless you want to be torn apart leave it alone.. its none of your concern.. two women fighting is like my teacher said.. is something I will never break up again..he said he didnt mind breaking up two guys but never again would he break up two girls.. its dangerous.. we tend to claw, bite,slap and all that.

  7. When you see 2 woman fighting the best thing to do is stay out of it  just stay back and watch the show because it's a "CatFight"

  8. I would let both women fight to death.

  9. Violence is a matter for secular law to contend with and not a matter for non-legal authorities to take part in.

  10. That's why I carry a video camera with me at all times.

  11. I'd stand back and enjoy the show but still break it up when one combatant appears to have had enough.

  12. lawn chair and a cold beer

  13. Generally I would say you don't handle it at all - walk away.

    But in this context you have to act in a professional manner, appropriate to your role. Anyone in a supervisory role should have some training regarding conflict resolution. They backed down when you came along - clearly your presence was enough to calm the situation, and it usually is - people at work do not often have actual fights, unless they are working in some pretty dodgy places.

    Women are people too you know - we do not need 'special handling'!

  14. well, trying to break up two woman totally brawling is a bad idea, they will probably shred you to pieces.. try yelling that your calling the cops, best advice i can say...either or break out the camera and start taking pics

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