
How to handle work scheduling?

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I work "to go" at a popular restaurant ina small town, and we only need one person to work each shift because we don't get that much business. After the full time morning girl had to take a leave, I told my manager that the rest of the to go employees could equally cover the shifts but I ended up getting most of them for the past weeks and lost a lot of money in tips. I recently confronted my manager who does my schedule to see if I could work Thursday night since that is the one of the best nights for tips. He told me that I couldn't because another employee requested to work EVERY Thursday night. This really ticked me off because she never worked a morning shift like she was supposed to and also gets other $$ nights. Today, I talked to my general manager about the situation and am afraid I came off rude talking about the other employee and manager. Do you think I did the right thing confronting him and should I apologize or bring this up again or just let it go?




  1. I think it was a good idea to bring this problem to your manager.  However, it's always best to avoid speaking badly about others (especially your boss) at work.  You might have given the general manager a negative impression of you.  

    Apologizing is a good idea, because your manager has the power to make things better for you or worse.  Being nice to him and sucking up a little will make him want to help you out more.  

    Tell him you realize that assigning shifts is difficult and you know that he can't make everyone happy.  Ask him if there's anything you can do to get more night shifts because you're putting yourself through college.

  2. unfortunately in the restaurant business it's not the better employee who is treated the best, it's who can "play the game" best that gets better treatment. it's not fair, and if you don't "play the game" you will not come out on top. one of my best friends does to gos too. is this rachel??? good luck!

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