
How to hang clothes on a washing line?

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I have been trying to hang my daughters clothes on a washing line but i seem to be incapable, any cotton dresses, tops keep ending up with peg marks on them, i have tried putting towels over the clothing to avoid this but it doesnt seem to make any difference, there are still peg marks on the clothes and they seem to stretch... any advice?




  1. try hanging using the seams to hang by.

  2. Hang those items upside down with clips then you may need to lightly press out a mark.  If they are stretching, they should be flat dried or just draped over the line without any clips at all.

  3. Repeal the law of gravity.

    If you use a clothes line, you are getting some exercise and fresh air, you are using only the energy you and the sun produce, and the clothes can smell as wonderful as the air that dries them.

    But hanging wet clothes is going to result in stretching, if the fabric has any tendency at all to stretch. You might reduce it by having your clothes as dry as feasible before you hang them up. (Regular spin-dry cycle, for example, rather than Gentle). Also, seams tend to be more stable. If you can hang clothes from the top of a seam (folding a sweater, for example, over the line and pinning at the underarm seam), that may help.  Unless it's just not possible, drying stretchy clothes flat is the way to go.

    Because the clothes are always moving in a dryer, they don't get a chance to get wrinkles (peg marks). Pegging fabric firmly is going to make wrinkles.  That's just the way nature works.  If you were to take your clothes down slightly damp (and the folded peg mark spot is likely to remain somewhat damper), and bounce them around in the dryer (no heat necessary - save the energy) for a while, that should reduce peg marks.  If you can't use a dryer, hold the slightly damp garment by the edge opposite the peg mark, and snap it, like you were shaking out a rug or cracking a whip.  That will snap out the peg marks at least a little bit.

    Cotton and linen fibers tend to wrinkle. (nature, again.) In your place, I'd be looking for cotton which has been given a permanent-press finish, or cotton-poly blends, or microfibers.

  4. With jeans or pants I hang them from the bottoms. With towels I just hang them from the corners and for shirts and such, I hang them upside down and do it from the bottom corner of the shirt. Normally I can't see the marks and they don't stretch too bad for me.

    Good Luck and God Bless

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