
How to have a dark/poison tea party?

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my friends and i are planning to have a 'poison tea party'- a twist on the conventional 'alice in wonderland' style tea party with some darker and creepier aspects to it. we've already had a few ideas but could do with some more, please help?




  1. At World Market (or other stores, Pier 1)  they often have a section of glass bottles in all shapes and sizes.  Buy some of these and fill them with different beverages.  a "pick your poison" collection.  If you are legal, fill some with alcohol, and you can put fruit down in it, like pickled unknown bits.  Stash all of them on a counter or table, so that everyone has to open them and sniff or taste (rather in the way Alice had to nibble/taste everything she found to see what would happen)  Encourage mixing by getting people to draw for a color/number of which has been attached to said bottle.

    If you have time, garage sale it.  Buy a bunch of random tea cups or goofy dish ware for pennies so everything is mismatched.  

    Decor:  string lights in a haphazard manner and have lots of handmade mobiles with the oddest things hanging down.  I did this once, and it was cool because people couldnt help but look at all the little stuff.  It was a mini museum.  I found this dismembered plastic miss piggy head the size of a super ball and hung it in the center.  Then all the stuff around the room got weirder as you walked to the edges of the room.  This takes some searching.  The other option is to go web surfing, and find weird images and wallpaper the main room of the party.  Did this also (took a full day and two other people also looking/taping.  These things just give the element of hallucination.  

    Drape absolutely everything in sheets, as if the house were abandoned.

    If you want really creepy, talk to your butcher.  They often have things you'd never think of asking for normally.  A roasted pig's head would be cool, but they are hard to come by, unless the butcher normally keeps a suckling pig for a full roast.  

    Another thing I did at college was have a AIW pluck party.  I borrowed without asking about 50 bowls from the dining hall and that evening, filled each bowl with a different booze/mix, having bought every color alcohol, and then placed them all over a grassy courtyard.  Anyone who passed could pick a flower to drink from.  We all the spent the night crawling from bowl to bowl.  It was fun messed up.

    Need someone to help set up?  Sounds really fun!

  2. Have a guess which tea glass is poisened contest.

    Have a bunch of glasses and have the girls try each. Heres the catch. They all have tea in them but only one is a flavored tea. [you can buy fruit flavored tea at like kroger or publix or some stores like that] Then they tell you which one it is and if right they get a prize!!!

  3. Hmmmmm....the immagination could go wild

    here !!  How about opened out (scooped pumpkin

    shapes (not nice and neat)  rough cut ) and placed

    along tables, get plastic insects ugly ones, like spiders

    and fire ants cet. and place them here and there over

    the pumpkin ! Make the room mostly dark and make the

    table cloth floorescent !  or place candles and flooro stuff

    here and there along the table cloth and so on.

    Theres a smoke machine people hire for bands, but

    can easily be hired for this.

    Really it depends how much you want to spend !

    Get pretend giant spider webs and dangle from string

    at different areas of the room your tea party is at !

    And make everyone dress ....gothic or some such .

    And last some spooky music in background

    and have spooky board games.

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