
How to have a fast Internet Connection?

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I have a wireless internet called SMARTBRO I got it from the communication company called SMART the number 1 telecommunication company in the Philippines..I have a problem in my connection it is slow,,How can I get a fast speed of Internet?




  1. try to get DSL or cable Internet if it is available in your area.

  2. Make sure that you have encrypted your coneections or you might have other people mooching off your free wireless internet and that would definitly slow you down.

    You also may want to call your service provider and ask them to adjust your "Banwidth" sometimes that helps.

    If your internet is still running slow upgrade to cable or DSL and try a different wireless router.

    I hope this works!

    -NATE :)

  3. Er....You should get Comcast or DSL....=/ but i have to make your internet you gotta clear off the cookies and other junk files, clean your computer and keep the memory to a minimum...try to lesson the junk of course because it makes it run slightly slower...not much else i can say ^^

  4. there are a lot of softwares and tricks that can fool you about faster internet. you have to upgrade your internet speed. simply call your isp and upgrade your internet speed.

  5. Wireless broadband weakens with distance from point of broadcast and is weakened more with anything that visually blocks a line of sight between point of broadcast and point of use.  

    Sometimes, if you have in internal antena, you can replace it with an external roof top antena and this can help.  

    The only other option, which may not be available to you is a wired connection.

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